1. The end of the war

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Percy POV

I felt weak, hopeless. I could just watch my friends falling one by one. The enemy was winning. Gaea was approaching her victory. But I couldn't let her win. If she won, that would mean that all deaths were in vain. And I couldn't let that happen. I killed the hellhound that pounced at me. I had a few seconds until I'll be forced to continue fighting if I want to survive. P panted heavily. We were already fighting for hours, even the gods grew tired. I looked around the battlefield. The sight almost made me give up. But I couldn't. I saw gods battling giants with some of their demigod children. They were winning until Porphyrion hit Artemis with so much force that she went flying through the air. That made a good distraction and he managed to land a few good hits on Zeus, who was worried about the wellbeing of his daughter. I think that this was the first time that I saw Zeus worried about any family member, or anybody actually.

I saw Apollo running to help his sister who was severely injured. She will be fine because she is a goddess, but she couldn't continue to fight. I saw Jason and Thalia, brother and sister, battling back to back. Not a single monster could reach them until Thalia was hit by a minotaur. Jason was worried about his sister, not seeing a turned demigod sneaking behind him. I wanted to shout, to warn him, but I was just glued to the ground, not able to move, terrified and helpless. I saw Jason falling by an enemy sword. When his body hit the ground I heard a sickening thud. I saw light leaving his eyes.

I saw Piper falling by dracanae's talons, Leo being burned by greek fire, Hazel and Frank dying in each other embrace, welcoming death. But I felt the worst pain when I saw Annabeth battling Gaea alone. I finally broke free from my thoughts and sprinted towards them. But they were on the opposite side of the battlefield. I knew that I won't make it in time, but I still prayed to each and every deity in Greek mythology. My prayers went unanswered. I saw Gaea bringing down her sword, the same sword that a second later pierced Annabeth. Something in me broke on that sight. I don't know whose scream was louder, mine or Annabeth's. I rushed forward, to Annabeth's side. Nothing else mattered now, just Annabeth.

When I finally reached them, I fell on my knees by her side, sobbing. I gently held her hand in mine. I couldn't believe that my life, my world was so quickly falling apart. I was planning to propose to Annabeth when we won, I know that we're still young, but exactly because of this reason. Demigods almost never reach old age, they die young. I wanted to spend every second I had by Annabeth's' side, but her life was cut short, along with so many other demigods we lost, along with the rest of the Seven.

I wanted to give up there, on spot, but I knew I couldn't do it. Annabeth wouldn't want that. I heard sickening laughing. I turned around, tears falling, to see Gaea laughing at me. Laughing at how pathetic I must have looked. All of my walls broke, anger radiated off of me. I gripped Riptide tighter and approached her. She started mocking me but I didn't listen. The only thing that mattered at the moment was the fact that I, that we need to win this battle. With my newly-found strength, I attacked her. I caught her slightly off guard, she didn't expect me to attack her, but she quickly found her footing. We fought. I was focused on her, and her only. I didn't pay attention to anything else. I didn't hear nor see the battle around us.

If I did, I'd maybe see that the battle stopped. That I and Gaea were the only ones fighting. I'd see some of my friends that survived, including Will and Nico, yelling at me to stop, to let gods deal with her. I'd see that Gaea cast a spell, a protective dome, around us. I'd know that she cast the spell so the dome will shatter only when one of us dies. I'd know that because of that no help will come.

But I didn't want help. I forgot about everything except my current duel. Swords clashed, yells were heard, cuts and bruises formed on both of us. I don't know how long it lasted. I finally saw an opening and plunged Riptide in her heart. I killed her the same way she killed Annabeth. Her lips were open with a silent scream and she burst into golden dust. I fell on my knees utterly exhausted and broken. I heard the sound of the protective dome shattering. It sounded like thousands of glasses broke at the same time. Black dots started swimming in my vision. The last thing I heard before I properly blacked out was my fathers' voice calling my name.

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