
869 21 3

1: finger gun personality
2: smug af
3: gives squad members nicknames
risotto: inky
prosciutto: ham n glam
ghiaccio: blue, icy, ticking time bomb
melone: footsie, lavender town
illuso: babe, MJ
pesci: fishy fishy in the sea, wuss
4: makes fun of everyone
5: best bros with Illuso
6: acts tough but is probably  scared of heights
7: always that one asshole that finishes the milk and puts the empty bottle back in the fridge
8: tried to kiss Illuso once, everyone saw
9: bisexual
10: around 25
11: makes stuff small so he can steal/sneak them away
12: the worst roommate
13: didn't get ladies so he just gave up and jumped on top of illuso
14: always loses at uno
15: that one friend that flips the table during board game night and screams "let's play something else!!!"
16: makes puns but everyone attacks him for being annoying

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