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1: the most serious one
2: hardly recognizable with hair down
3: cant put up with anyone's shit
4: he tries to hold risotto's hand but he gives him a high five instead
5: "i've lost the ability to love years ago" but is dating risotto????
6: frequently plays uno with the gang
7: slacks off by having his stand do paperwork
8: blows smoke in pesci's face
9: says he doesn't have a thing for risotto, has photos of him in his room
10: doesn't trust anyone with cars but doesn't do anything to stop people that do
11: hates formaggio with a passion
12: always wants a break
13: no matter how much he drinks he barely has any signs of him being drunk (how tho idfk)
14: around 26
15: when asked if he's a dog or cat person he responds with him hating animals but usually goes to alleys with risotto to feed cats
16: says he gives Ghia anger management but just sits down and nods to whatever he tries to rant about
17: sometimes when someone does something right he's confused on how to congratulate them so he just awkwardly gives them head pats
18: dated bruno in highs school

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