𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑒

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Later that night, Dean and Shela had gone to bed while Sam and Kristina had been busy spending time with each other.

"I think we did good Sammy," says Kristina. "That was probably the hardest thing to do,"

"Well consider yourself lucky," responded Sam. "You experienced your first exorcism,"

"Not really my first," Kristina said remembering what she had done to one of her other friends. "But this was definitely a challenge," she continued. "What do you think the demons were talking about when it came to Lucifer's plan?"

"I don't know," says Sam. "But whatever it is we have to keep our guard up," he continued at the same time he yawned, after the excitement for the day he was ready to call it a night.

"Tired?" Kristina asked.

"Very," Sam said simply. "Are you ready to go to bed?" Kristina nodded now seeing how tired she was herself. The two got up from the couch and decided to head to bed for the night, after all, Kristina had to get a good night's sleep. Back in Shela and Dean's room, Dean had gotten closer to her and wrapped his arm around her stomach. Shela turned the other way and placed her hand on Dean's chest followed by her head. Dean hadn't expected that but he was happy she could trust herself around him. As the two slept, Dean heard wings flapping he tried his best to ignore the angel but it was clear that no matter what he did there was really nothing that could stop the angel from getting his attention.

"Dean, Shela," says the voice. "Wake up," the couple opened their eyes to see that Castiel was standing right on Dean's side of the bed.

"Cass!" Dean exclaimed. "Personal space!"

"Right sorry," says Castiel as he stepped back.

"What are you doing here at three in the morning Castiel?" Shela asked slightly groggy from being woken up from a peaceful sleep.

"I know about what happened," Castiel responded. "The demons nearly won,"

"Nobodies perfect," says Dean. "Now is there a purpose for you being here? As you can tell we were sleeping," Castiel sighed and stepped away allowing the couple to sit up.

"That's not why I've come," Castiel spoke. "I came because the next couple of days will be rough on all of you," he continued. "Your going up against your final trial,"

"What?" Shela said in confusion. "What do you mean final trial?"

"It will test your relationship to the maximum," Castiel said simply.

"What is it?" Dean asked as he was thinking about the proposal and how Shela would act if it were to happen.

"I cannot say, all I know is that you must be ready," as if reading Dean's thoughts, Castiel turned toward Dean. "Also good luck with the question,"

"Cass!" Dean said nervously. "Ever heard of a surprise? I haven't done anything yet,"

"What question?" asked Shela with curiousness.

"Nothing, nothing at all!" exclaimed Dean nervously.

"You will and I already know the answer, also," Castiel whispered "I need to talk to you, in private," Dean looked at Castiel with a confused look on his face but nodded his head.

"Alright fine, but we gotta make this quick," Says Dean. "I'm extremely tired," Castiel nodded his head as he walked out of the room followed by Dean. Shela watched as the two walked out of the room. Once the door was closed behind them, Dean turned to Castiel. "Now what's going on?"

"I want to congratulate you Dean," says Castiel. "You and your brother will be good fathers,"

"I'm sorry what?" Dean asked thinking he heard wrong. "Say that one more time," Dean said, wanting clairfaction.

"What I've said will come to pass for you and your brother," Castiel explained. "The children will have the abilities of both their parents, and have the power to seal Lucifer away permanently," he continued.

"Castiel," says Dean as his voice broke a little bit. "There's no way that i'm going to be a father, nor my brother we haven't even done it yet with our girlfriends,"

"That doesn't matter, your union with the girls is the start of a miracle," Castiel confirmed. "I warn us though, once Lucifer or his followers learn about this they will stop at nothing to prevent it," Castiel warned and Dean looked away for him thinking that he was dreaming this whole thing. When he looked back Castiel was gone.

"I need to sleep on this," Dean said to himself as he walked back to his room. Shela had been reading a book on her phone when she heard the door open and saw Dean with a stunned expression on his face.

"So what did Castiel want?" asked Shela as she sat her phone down.

"Nothing just warned me about what's to come," Dean responded though his thoughts kept traveling back to what Cass had said about Shela getting pregnant. Meanwhile Sam was awakened by the sound of wings and he got up to investigate.

"Hello Sam," Castiel said and Sam jumped at the sound of his voice.

"We really need to put a bell on you or something," Sam commented.

"Sam who is here?" Kristina asked, starting to wake up, how she had managed to sleep through the ruckus he didn't know.

"Nothing to worry about I'll take care of it," Sam responded and Kristina went back to sleep.

"Apologies for starling you Sam but I must talk with you," Castiel said.

"Umm can't it wait until morning?" Sam asked, checking the time it was exactly three in the morning.

"I'm afraid this is too important to be kept a secret," Castiel answered.

"Okay what's this about?" Sam asked, wondering if this conversation was about Dean and Shela getting possessed. Or maybe it was something to do with the prophecy.

"I must congratulate you on your victory against the demons, however this was only the first round they will keep coming," Castiel warned.

"I won't let them win, they've taken enough already," Sam replied and for a brief moment he looked back at his sleeping girlfriend before turning back to Castiel.

"I understand but you must be wary, Lucifer will attempt to use your selfless nature against you," Castiel warned however he had more to say. "I can't stay for much longer but congratulations on your wedding and child," Castiel finished before Sam could ask questions the angel was gone.

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