𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓈𝒾𝓍

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"I've been told something has happened to Shela and Dean, is that correct?" Castiel questions.

"Yes," Kristina answered, she still didn't feel like talking much.

"The exorcism chant didn't work on Dean," Sam said. "But I saw something around his neck,"

"Can you describe what this necklace looked like?" Castiel asked as he had to know if this was the amulet of Lucifer.

"It looked like a crescent moon with a Wiccan symbol in the center," Sam answered but often glanced at Kristina starting to get worried about her.

"I was afraid you would say that, the demons now possess the amulet of Lucifer. He made it centuries ago so his followers could walk the earth," Castiel explained.

"But why did they choose Shela and Dean? What more could they do?" Questioned Sam. "I get they're trying to break the prophecy but why only them?"

"Because they're the strongest out of the four of you," Castiel said.

"I guess that helps a little," Kristina said finally speaking.

"Kristina!" Sam exclaimed. "What's the matter with you? Why are you acting this way,"

"The demons know your weakness," Castiel said as he turned to Kristina.

"So they did take my family? I am going to kill Azazel! He is going to pay for this!" Kristina yelled and Sam was surprised at her sudden outburst because she hadn't said anything for the past half hour.

"I understand your concern Kristina, but you must not go after them, this is a trap and it's exactly what Azazel wants," Castiel said. "He will do everything in his power to bring you down permanently,"

"Then we need a better option," says Sam. "But what's the deal with the amulet?"

"It's a lock, it keeps the demons inside their chosen vessels as long as they wear it no exorcism chant will work," Castiel said. "I can't stay long I've already said too much even talking about the prophecy means I'm interfering,"

"You're not leaving us, are you?" Kristina asked as she felt they would never stop Lucifer if they didn't have Castiel's help.

"I can only look after you," says Castiel, "but I have no right to interfere with the prophecy," with a wave of his hand wind blew across Sam and Kristina's faces as Castiel flew away.

"Well, that was helpful," says Sam.

"Sammy if we're dealing with amulets I may have an idea," Kristina told him.

Back at the factory, Raymond had come back now knowing more about their opponent than before. He walked through as Meg saw him and crossed her arms over her chest.

"You're late," Meg commented chastising her brother.

"I don't see you trying to stop two hunters at once," Raymond said, sending his sister a glare. "Your lucky that I gave Kristina the message about her family,"

"Enough! There is a time to bicker and a time to obey, I expect you both to obey me!" Azazel screamed, stopping them both before they could argue any further. "While you have sent the message, I have another one to send to the girl. It's from the master himself," Azazel explained.

"Father, there's something you need to know about Kristina, she has gotten stronger," Raymond said. "She has Telekinesis and she's faster than she was originally,"

"No matter, her new abilities are no use if she can't master them. Now you both wait here while I pay a visit to an old vessel," Azazel told him and they obeyed without question. Meanwhile, Azazel left the factory and made his way to the bunker. At the bunker, Sam and Kristina had set up the demon trap making sure to hide it under the circular rug.

"You know what to do, right Kristina?" Asked Sam.

"Yes I do," She responded.

"I'll be in the closet if you need help," says Sam as he kept the demon blade in his hand and hid in the closet. The next thing she knew, Kristina felt the presence of the yellow eyed demon behind her, she turned around slowly to look at him. Luckily he was too busy looking at her to notice the demon trap.

"Well if it isn't young Kristina," says Azazel. "Long time no chat,"

"Can't say I missed having you inside my brain," Kristina responded, crossing her arms. "Why are you here Azazel?" Kristina asked.

"Because I have a proposition for you," says Azazel unaware that he had just stepped on the demon trap. "We'll let your family go if you let me have Sam," Sam had been listening to everything as he started putting things together. Azazel's plan was to get Sam to say yes to Lucifer. Which he wasn't planning to, he lasted long before he can easily last long even now.

"Why would I do something like that?" Kristina asked the yellow eyed demon.

"Because if you don't your family will die," Azazel said only as he tried to move toward Kristina he found that he couldn't move at all. She smirked at him and punched him, it didn't do much damage but it managed to give Sam the time he needed to sneak up on Azazel.

"I guess you demons don't know anything about human intelligence," Kristina said, snatching the amulet off his neck and before he could even react he was stabbed in the back by Sam's demon blade. Azazel glowed orange as he had collapsed on the floor dead. Back at the factory, Raymond and Meg had been guarding Kristina's family waiting for their father to return.

"What's taking him so long? He should have been back," Raymond complained.

"Oh hush he is probably taking his time to finish our mission," Meg responded. Before Raymond could say anything he heard angel wings flapping right behind them.

"Your father is dead," says A voice. Meg and Raymond turned and saw Castiel immediately their eyes turned black as they backed away.

"Castiel," says Raymond. "What are you doing here?"

"Taking care of business," he responded and right after he said those words lightning flashed showing his wings in the shadow. His eyes glowed blue and using his powers he sent both demons flying into opposite directions of the room. "Playtime is over kids," Castiel made his way over to the cage and unlocked it.

"Mommy I think that man in a brown coat is saving us," Kira said pointing to Castiel.

"Everything is going to be okay," says Castiel. "I'm going to take you home,"

"Who are you?" Kristina's mom asked "Do you know what happened to Shela, she had black eyes when we last saw her," she finished.

"She has been possessed by a demon, your daughter and her boyfriend are doing everything to get them back but I must take you back now before they wake up," Castiel said.

"Wait Samuel is taking my daughter to do what now?!" Kristina's father asked.

"Relax sir, it's kind of what he does," Castiel said but before he teleported them back to their house he looked over at Kristina's brother. "As for you young man, you better mind your manners, we may be angels but we know what you've been doing,"

"Angels?" The teenager responded. Castiel quickly pressed two of his fingers against the teenagers head, teleporting them back to their house.

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