The Play Boy's POV 2

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Edison's POV

My relationship with Jen started well but as the days go by, I noticed her lack of love and attention to me.

She will always make an excuse whenever I wanted to be with her. She will always ask for some gifts and a lot of material things from me too. At first, I felt tired and just want to break up with her as early as two weeks but whenever we're together, I always forgot all of her mistakes to me.

Her smile is always thrusting me to stay with her. Her sweet voice, her laugh, her beautiful eyes and her pretty face are all enough to make me happy.

I realized that Jen became my other definition of perfection aside from myself and Madison. I realized that she became my happiness and everything.

And then one day... I realized that I don't want to live my life without her anymore.


"I can't believe that you will do all these things for your girlfriend, Edison." Alvin said as he watched me fixing my things inside my bag.

I am now working as a part-timer cashier in a convenience store owned by his uncle. I looked for a job so that I can sustain all of my girlfriend's demands on me. I don't want to ask money from Madison always that's why I did this.

Besides, I don't want to disappoint Jen. I don't want to see her sad whenever I told her that I can't give all of her requests.

"Are you sure that she's treating you as her boyfriend and not as her financer, Edison?" Alvin asked making me glared at him. He's my bestfriend but I don't want her to talk bad about my girlfriend. "Chill, I'm just asking."

"Jen loves me so I don't care if I have to do this thing just for her. I want to make her happy." I said then smiled thinking about Jen's pretty face again.

"Do you really believe that she loves you?" I heard him asked again so I glared at him again.

But honestly, I felt scared too thinking that Alvin's observations about Jen are all true.

"I'm sorry to say this but... I don't think she's honestly in love with you, bro." Alvin said making my heart felt heavy and I don't know why. "What about you, bro? Do you honestly love her?"

I didn't say anything but I felt the fast beating of my heart. What is this I'm feeling? Why the thought of Jen has this effect on me?

"You don't have to answer me, Edison. I know you enough already." Alvin said looking straight into my eyes. I don't like it whenever he's acting like a genius. "I can see in your eyes that you really love her now. You fell in love with Jennica Torres, Edison Fuentebella."

I felt my heart beating triple times and I hate it. I hate to admit that I'm now in love with Jen. Not because I don't want to love her but because... I'm afraid.

What if she doesn't really love me? What if Jennica Torres is my punishment?

What if she's the karma that I deserve?


"What movie do you want to watch, Jen? I'll go buy tickets now." I said with a big smile on my face.

I begged my boss who's Alvin's uncle to let me off earlier tonight in my job after Jen phone called me. I felt bad because she sounded sad and disappointed when I told her that I can't be with her tonight because of my job. That's why I talked to my boss and begged him to let me finish my shift earlier. Good thing Alvin came and helped me convince her uncle that's why I'm here on the mall with my girlfriend now.

"What's wrong? Are you okay, my princess?" I asked Jen worriedly when I noticed that she looks unhappy.

"I'm sorry but... I want to go home now, Edison. My head aches all of a sudden." She said making me disappointed but I felt worried to her.

"What? Are you okay? I'll buy you a medicine first then I'll take you home, babe." I said sweetly then hold her right hand. I was surprised when she shoved my hand away. "Is there something wrong, babe?"

"I can go home alone, Edison. Don't you dare follow me or else, I will be mad at you." She said glaring at me. Her behavior surprised me but I just think that maybe, she's not really feeling well that's why her mood is like this.

Jen started walking away from me. I can't do anything but just watch her go. When she looked back at me, I faked a smile then waved goodbye at her. I took a heavy sigh when she is now out of my sight. I felt so guilty because I can't do anything to make her smile tonight. 

I want to make her happy but I always failed to make her satisfied.

I felt a hand on my left shoulder so I turned around. I saw Randy smiling weakly at me with Alice standing next to him. They both had a guilty look on their faces.

"I apologized in behalf of Jen. She's not really feeling well before you came here to join us, Edison." Alice apologized. I just smiled at her.

"Why don't we just watch a movie altogether? Alice and I won't make you feel like a third wheel, bro. Promise." Randy said smiling brightly at me. I smiled back at him but shook my head.

"I think I will just go home now to rest. Thanks for comforting me, guys." I said smiling weakly at them then started walking away.

My foot steps felt so heavy like the burden in my heart. I know that love is not always sunshine but I can't stop remembering my parents tragic love story.

'I hope my love story with Jen will have a happy ending.'


"I'm so sorry for what Jen did to you. I'm really sorry, bro."

I heard Randy apologized while I keep on crying on the campus after Jen embarrassed me then broke my heart  for the first time. I can't believe that the girl that I love is my own karma. I'm so stupid to think that she's honestly in love with me.

"Let's go somewhere, Edison." I heard Alvin's voice. He hold my hand but I shoved him away.

They keep on comforting me but I can't stop crying. Only one person can make me happy again but too bad, she's my own heartbreaker.

I looked up then glared at Randy. "Are you and Alice also part of Jen's plan? Did you all had fun for fooling me with all of your lies?!"

"I'm so sorry, bro. Alice and I thought Jen won't continue her plan to break your heart anymore because the both of you seems happy together. We thought Jen fell in love with you already." He said making me laughed bitterly.

There's no way that Jen will honestly fell in love with me. She just want to avenge her cousin Monica who became my past victim.

I'm so stupid to believe in all of her lies. Jennica Torres' acting skills deserve an acting award.

"She will never fall in love with me, Randy. Jen will never fall in love with a playboy like me." I said with tears falling down from my eyes.

I felt so stupid. I'm such a fool because after knowing the truth about Jen, my heartbreaker, my foolish heart is still shouting for her.

"Tell Jen, congratulations. Congratulations in her latest achievement in this school's history." I said still glaring at Randy while Alvin is standing in the middle of us.

"If I'm this school's resident playboy, Jen has her own title now. She's now the infamous heartbreaker of this school." I said then started running away from school campus.

I know I'm a playboy. I deserve this punishment. But what hurts the most is, my own heartbreaker is Jen.

My first and true love.

End of Edison's POV


A/N: Hey. Thanks for reading. 😀

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