"All right, Addy," said Cassie, making her stop. "Before you take me any further and kill me or something, I deserve an explanation."

"All right... " she began. "I'm... kidnapping you."

Cassie scoffed. "Addy, please, no jokes."

"I just need to talk to you," she told her. "It's an important matter— "

"That must be taken up in the Forbidden Forest?" she questioned, doubtful.

"It can't be heard by them... the Carrows."

Cassie furrowed her eyebrows. "What? Addy... what is it?"

"It cannot wait any longer," Addy said. "I kept trying to talk to you but the Carrows never let you alone with me. Tell me, why do you trust the Death Eaters?"

"I — I don't," she answered.

"Then why are you with them?" she asked.

Cassie didn't understand what was wrong with Addy. Why the sudden questions she asked needed to be answered.

"Addy... " Cassie said slowly, reaching for the wand in her back pocket. "I don't know why you're asking me this, but if this is some sort of trick the Dark Lord has— "

"It's not a trick," said a familiar voice.

Cassie extended her arm, pointing her wand at the man's neck. She lowered her wand upon seeing him looking as exhausted as ever, wearing a worn-down cloak.

"Lupin... What is he doing here, Addy?" Cassie asked, looking at her. "You realize how dangerous it is, don't you?"

Cassie thought it was a dream. She hoped it was a dream. It seemed like those stories where a child would go into the wood and be led to her death.

"Cassie... " Tonks came out from the tree and then it was Fred.

"What— " Cassie was frightened. She looked at all of them again. "Addy, are you — are you with them?"

"Let me explain," said Lupin. "With Snape gone, we can finally have a moment together."

"You do realize that I can send for Death Eaters now, don't you?" Cassie said.

"You don't have the Mark," said Tonks, stepping closer.

"No... but all I'd have to say is Vol— "

"Cassie!" Fred spoke, cutting her off from saying the name. "Let him explain, please."

"Thank you," Lupin said. "Now, Cassie, we understand your predicament. The Dark Lord and what he is doing to your family. And as Dumbledore had told me before his departure, he requested we give a second chance. Just come with us. We've sent one of us to retrieve the rest of your family. You can hide out for the time being— "

"No, no, no," Cassie muttered, then looked at him and Tonks. "Who went? To our house. Who went there?"

"One of our best," he answered. "Shacklebolt."

"The Dark Lord is there at my house right now!" she told them, frantic.

"I'll go," said Tonks. "You have to explain it to her." Being deep in the forest, she was able to Disapparate.

"Explain what?" Cassie asked.

"Cassie, all this time, ever since the Dark Lord, you've changed," Addy said. "I thought maybe it was just stress, but after the Astronomy Tower, it's become clear."

"What are you trying to do? Bring me to the Ministry?" she scoffed.

"Cassie, it's not too late," Fred told her. "Please... "

"Cassie, the prophecy hasn't been fulfilled," Lupin explained. "It's not over. We can protect your family, but you must trust us."

"Trust you?" she questioned. "For the past years, you've only kept me passing you information and using me as a tool because the prophecy said I was the difference between victory and defeat."

"The Dark Lord would make you sacrifice your life to save his," Lupin told her. "He's using you and punishing your family. We can help— "

"So that's what this is, Addy?" she said, turning to her. "You want me to help you win this fight."

"We're asking you to think about who you trust and realize what side you're on," said Addy.

"And so you've brought Fred, thinking he could change my mind," she said, looking at him. "You want me to think about the good times we had... but the thing is all that brings me is pain. Every time I look at you, you remind me of someone who I used and someone who I hurt deeply."

"It was your Patronus at Dumbledore's funeral, wasn't it?" he asked. "It was a coyote."

Cassie gulped. "He may have been the enemy, but he was still a good professor."

"How much can you trust me when I say that things will clear up between all of us," he said. "Both our families."

"We're not going to hold hands and sing carols at Christmas, that's for sure," she told him. "And you cannot guarantee their safety like you say you can."

"And the Dark Lord can?"

"On his side, they are safe," she told them. "And as long as I do my part, their lives and mine are secured."

"They killed Mad-Eye," said Lupin. "They've killed Tonk's father. He's killed Cedric Diggory and Sirius. How can you trust them — No, you're simply a coward hiding behind who you think is strongest."

"Yes," Cassie nodded. "I think the Dark Lord is stronger in numbers, however, I am not doing his bidding because I am afraid. I am doing it to protect my family as I'm sure you can all understand. Family is more important than anything."

"I forgot why we even try... " said Lupin, keeping his composure. "It is too late for her now. Too stubborn. I assume nothing will change your mind."

"Wait, but— " Lupin took Addy's arm and the two Disapparated. Fred and her met eyes and then Fred had left, leaving her in the forest.

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