Chapter 4

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Suna and I walked into the store and I immediately ran to the sweet section. I grabbed a bag of kitkats and a giant bag of sour gummy worms.

After that, I looked around to see Suna walking over to the chuupets. He grabbed a bag of them and walked to the refrigerator.

I walked over to the cash register and paid for my items. Then I waited by the entrance. He paid for his chuupets and iced tea.

He walked over to me, and we walked home. Once we got to our houses, we sat on my front porch and started eating. He offered me a chuupet and I accepted.

After about 5 minutes, he turned to me. "I'm gonna go and try to get sleep. You should too. Goodnight Emica."

I waved at him and walked into my house. I quietly made my way upstairs and fell asleep.

<time skip to next morning>

I woke up to the sound of Atsumu getting ready and the smell of Osamu making food in the kitchen. I groggily made my way downstairs.

"Wow Mica, you look like shit." I heard my youngest brother say. I tch'd at him and got a glass of water to drink. While getting a glass, I saw a note on the table.

Dear Mica, Samu, and Sumu,

We'll be out of town for a few weeks because of a business trip. We know it's sudden, but we got the call early this morning and it's an emergency. We'll send you money every week for groceries, so don't worry about that. You can invite friends over, just make sure not to wreck the house. Love you~

Take care,
Mom and Dad

"Samu! Mom and dad are out for a business trip for a while. Tell Tsumu so that he doesn't freak out."

"GOT IT!" he yelled from the stove.

After drinking my water, I went upstairs to get dressed.

~time skip brought to you by Kags' milk~

It was after school, and I handed my application form to the coaches. Then I changed into my tracksuit and we got ready for practice.

A/n: Hey guys, it's been a while! Sorry for the super short chapter, I just wanted to update. I've been really busy lately and I've got a competition coming up next week. Thanks for the support, see y'all next time!

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