Chapter 1

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I walked into the airport while lugging my suitcase behind me. I just got off my second flight in the last 24 hours and all I can say is, Japan just hits different.

I've lived in America for the last 3 years, and boy was it hell. (A/n, I live in America 😃) I walked out to get the rest of my bags from the baggage claim. Once I see my purple suitcases, I grab them and haul them onto my luggage cart.

Once I got all my bags, I took a cab to the hotel I booked to stay at for the night. I dropped all my bags off there and checked the time. It read 11:16 am.

Great, I can sleep for 4 hours before I need to get ready.

I sprawled across the expanse of one of the beds and just laid there for a few minutes. After that, I decided to brush my hair and wash my face quickly before taking my nap. After that, I set 3 alarms and a timer to ensure that I woke up.

I crawled into the sheets and instantly fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of my second alarm and timer going off. At the same. Exact. Time. After hitting the off button on my phone and turning off my third alarm before it rang, I got up and took a shower.

After I took a shower, I changed into an oversized tee-shirt with spandex and a sports bra. Over the spandex, I wore a pair of sweatpants. I wore some sneakers as well.

I grabbed my phone, wallet, keys and my volleyball shoes, throwing them all in a bag, and headed out of the hotel. I grabbed a cab and made my way to my destination.

As I arrived at the school, I asked a student for directions to the gym. I made my way to the gym and stood outside the doors.

Here I go.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the doors to see a ball flying towards my face. Like any normal person, I put my hand in front of my face and caught the ball.

"Hello everyone, I'm back." I announced. Everyone looked at me in confusion, wondering who I was. After a few seconds, Osamu spoke up.

"Mica, is that you?" he asked.

Next thing I know, Atsumu and Osamu were running towards my like their lives depended on it and engulfed me in a giant bear hug.

I chuckled and patted their backs affectionately before they pulled away. I looked around and made eye contact with Aran. He smiled and waved at me as I waved back.

A man with grayish hair and black tips came up to me and gave me a glance.

"Considering the way the twins and Aran acted, I'm assuming you're not a fangirl. Who are you?" he asked.

I looked at Samu and Tsumu before turning to all the people and smiling.

"Nice to meet you all, my name is Miya Emica, the oldest, awesomest, and best looking triplet," I said, knowing that one of my brother's was about to object to the last part any moment now.

Just as I expected, Tsumu shouted, "I'M THE BEST LOOKING AND AWESOMEST TRIPLET!"

Simultaneously, Samu and Aran said, "she's right Atsumu."

Meanwhile, the rest of the gym stared at us dumbfounded, with their mouths hanging open. The man who spoke to me earlier was the first to recover and smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you as well, Miya-san. My name is Kita Shinsuke, and I'm the captain of the team," I smiled back at him.

"Mica, what're you doing back in Japan? Also, HOW COME WE DIDN'T KNOW? WERE MOM AND DAD IN ON THIS TOO? HOW COULD YOU-" Atsumu's questions were cut off by me karate-chopping his head.

Osamu just laughed, while I deadpanned at the older of the two and answered his questions by saying, "Shut up Tsumu, it was a surprise to everyone. To answer your question, I came back to Hyogo to finish high school, and potentially even university. Although, we'll see how that goes, considering wanting to start my music career. Anyways, I don't want to pause your practice any longer, so we can catch up at home."

I turned back to Kita-san and said, "Please call me Emica, and could I possibly join your practice?"

"Alright Emica-san, though I would have to ask the coaches if you could join. What's your position?"

"Middle blocker," I replied.

Kita-san walked over to the bench where I saw two elder men sitting. I assumed they were the coaches, and Kita motioned for me to come over to where he was.

"Nice to meet you Emica-san, I'm Coach Kurosu, and this is Coach Oomi. I heard that you play middle blocker and would like to join practice? You can go and change and join Atsumu and Osamu's team."

"Thank you coach!" I said and bowed. I ran over to the girls' locker room and pulled off my sweatpants, changing my shoes.

After that, I threw my hair into a quick ponytail and ran over to the gym where I quickly warmed-up.

I jogged into the court and saw that I was up against Aran, a black haired guy who was bent over in a receiving position, and lastly, a tall guy with dark brown hair, greenish yellow eyes, and horrible posture. I guessed that he was a middle blocker like me, and I had to admit, he was smoking hot.

After I walked onto the court, my go-lucky happy aura changed to a deadly, focused one. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my brothers smirk.

The next one to serve was Atsumu, and he started off with a jump serve. The black haired dude received it, but it came over to us as a chance ball.

I received it and sent it to Atsumu. He set the ball to Osamu and Osamu spiked it. The black haired guy, once again received it and Aran ended up spiking the ball with our anyone setting it to him.

However, before the ball could touch his palm, I was in front of him, blocking him. I ended up kill-blocking Aran, and everyone except for my brothers and Aran looked at me wide-eyed.

I smirked to myself as Atsumu rejoiced and Aran looked at me and said, "I see you've gotten better since the last time I saw you."

A/n: Chapter 1 done! This was exciting to write, but at the same time, I hate writing dialogue because of the commas not making sense. I hope y'all liked this chapter!

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