Part 16

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Loki was getting on my nerves. He acted like getting imprisoned and thrown in a glass cage was a normal Thursday for him. I, on the other hand, had started to panic. Around our enclosure, all kinds of scientists and security guards kept a close eye on us as if we were there for their entertainment. I never enjoyed not being in control. The technology had improved drastically from the sixties. Earth and especially shield never felt more foreign.

I had imagined me returning as a hero. Fighting all these years for Fury and saving all these lives should not have put me in the same position with a God that tried to take over a whole planet.

I crossed my arms and stared at the door. At any second they would realize their mistake and even ask for my forgiveness for treating me with the same respect as Loki. He was sitting on a single bench they had placed in the cage patiently waiting. What was he even waiting for?

Fury eventually entered the room. I was still irritated by the way his team handled me but I had missed him. I remembered him with more hair and being more colorful and vibrant. He must have been through a lot as well. He approached me and smiled. A very rare moment for him. I gifted him with my own, excited to see him again.

"What, the hell, happened to you?"

"Excuse me?!"

Not what I was expecting to come out of his mouth.

"You left as a great soldier and went with Carol to help bring peace to two kingdoms only to end up returning with Loki? I still have some hope left that these are not your actions and you are being controlled by him."

This couldn't be happening. I got all defensive, trying to protect my honor and reputation that took me years to build. I was not going to give up everything for a man that almost left me behind for a stone. He made his choice.

"You have to believe me. I was fighting him before the robot came. I was trying to capture him. Thor and I had a plan and he will be here at any moment to vouch for me."

"You can call it whatever you want but they still saw you kissing."

"In her defense, I am irresistible, it is not her fault."

He had not spoken to me from the moment we got captured and he chose this as the time to be snarky. I glanced back at him and gave him a death glare. The smirk that was plastered on his face showed how much he enjoyed infuriating me.

"Althea I'd really like to believe you but I need to have a serious discussion with Thor about you. You will have to stay in here until we conclude on how to deal with this."

I tried to protest against this idea but he did not give me the time to reply. He evacuated the room leaving me with rage building up inside of me. For the sake of Loki, I lost Asterin and Earth. I was physically and mentally exhausted. I had not slept or eaten properly in two days.

I turned to view the ungrateful God that was laying on the bench not giving a care about the world around him. I stood near to where he was resting and waited to see if he was going to feel uncomfortable with my presence so close to his. He hesitantly opened his eyes when he felt my shadow covering him.

"May I assist you with anything?"

"Get up."

"I beg your pardon?"

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