Part 1

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This is Loki fan fiction and the timeline is a bit weird. [SPOILER AHEAD]
Since he died in Endgame I am going to write my version of what happened after he disappeared with the Tesseract in that alternate universe.


I became a prisoner once again but that was the least of my problems. I escaped one time from the avengers, I could have easily done it again. My main problem was Thanos. I must have had angered him with the disappointment taking over New York was. If we were to take the Tesseract back to Asgard he would eventually appear to take it and most likely kill me if he got the chance.

At the moment they were moving me back home. These imbeciles couldn't let me focus on my escape plan. Rich guy and Thor started arguing with some other mortals who should be the ones to take me as a prisoner and keep the stone. I didn't know I had such high demand.

Things started getting interesting when mister funny man fell to the ground due to chest pains. I completely lost my train of thought when out of the blue the case containing the tesseract slid by a mysterious force right next to my feet.

Seconds before I took initiative to open it an unknown agent grabbed the case before I could. I was watching my opportunity getting further and further away until luckily the green monster smashed through a door causing the agent to fall, the case to get burst open, and the tesseract slid once again to find its way back next to my feet. This time I did not hesitate and snatched it as fast as I could. I didn't even think of where I should teleport to.

Blue mist covered my body making me disappear, leaving a scene of pure chaos behind me. Galaxies flashed before my eyes similarly when traveling with the Bifrost. The only difference being the uncertainty if my landing would injure me.

The next thing I could recollect is me opening my eyes and sand getting into them. I felt lightheaded and squinted avoiding more to get in. Two light sources could be seen in the sky making me realize I was nowhere near Midgard. I slightly lifted my head trying to figure out where exactly I landed. I flinched to the sight of soldiers with golden armor standing a few meters away with their swords pointing at me. We were in the middle of the desert with sand as far as the eyes can see from all directions. Only a high tech jet was waiting behind them strangely resembling a Midgardian one.

Two of them came close and grabbed my arms aggressively lifting me to my feet. The chains that kept me hostage by the avengers were ruined probably from the Tesseract. Midgardian metals are to laugh at. That was the moment I realized that the stone was missing.

"no no NO" I started yelling, while I was investigating the ground behind me.

Soldiers got confused watching me dig through the sand and getting more and more aggressive by not finding what I was looking for. I went from tired and dizzy to furious in a matter of seconds.
The Tesseract was certainly not where I was standing. My jaw clenched and my eyebrows snapped together to the idea that they must have took it before I became conscious. With one quick move I pulled the knives I kept in my sleeves ready to fight them.

The soldier closest to me pointed a weird-looking machine towards my way. Thinking it probably was a weapon I decided he should be the first one to get killed. I didn't manage to take even one step. The machine made me dizzy once again making me collapse.

Next time I opened my eyes I was in the jet sitting on the floor with chains all over my body. I was placed in a dark corner most likely thrown there and the soldiers did not realize I had awakened. I had some time to observe them. Two were sitting at the front navigating the aircraft. Five of them were sitting on the floor supporting their backs to the walls of the jet and having an intense conversation. They had taken off their helmets and they were discussing with each other, paying no attention to me. The Tesseract was nowhere to be seen.

A Game Of Love And LiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora