Part 17

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I had to create some distance between us. All the agents and scientists were monitoring every move we made very carefully. They were deliberating if they should open our temporary prison, to save her. All of them standing on the opposite side of the glass, acting as if that so fragile crystal could ever protect them from my powers. Their small minds could not comprehend the abilities that I possessed. Hiding behind their guns, would not save them. If they had not experienced my first escape, they must have heard rumors about it. Opening the cage resembled Pandora's box. No one wanted to see hell break loose.

At least Althea was not scared of me the slightest. That was a relief. I did not want her to view me as the monster everyone else saw. We both eased back to our original seats.

"I am sorry." She muttered.

"For what?"

"For making you angry."

How could I ever stay mad at her? Her puppy eyes gazing at me, hoping I'd forgive her. I had also never heard her before speak with such a soft and adorable voice. All I wanted to do was to wrap my arms around her but that could not happen.

"Apology accepted."

"Your turn."

"What do I have to be sorry for?"

"You did try to choke me."

"I have many skills but apologizing is not one of them... Regardless, I think you rather enjoyed it."

She copied my signature smirk. Mischief agreed with her so much.

"If I had anything around to throw at you... I would."

A question that had been bugging me all this time resurfaced in my brain.

May I ask you how did you find me in the first place?

"I saw through your eyes for a couple of seconds."

I was impressed. She was more powerful than I had anticipated. In my youth, as an entry-level sorcerer, creating illusions seemed rather remarkable but after all these years it became second nature to me. Seeing through a person's eyes... Not an easy task.

"What else are you capable of?"

"The truth is that I am not quite sure. Before the war, I experimented a lot with my powers but I have not tried since... Once, by accident, I entered a soldier's dream."

I must have made her uncomfortable with the topic I chose. She twisted unintentionally her bejeweled rings. The area around them was slightly bruised, possibly for wearing them all these hours. This action could have been connected to her trauma.

It would have been preferable to change the subject. We were somewhat getting along and it would have been a shame to ruin that by bringing up her traumatic experiences. I glanced at her for a second contemplating if she would play along with a plan I had just thought.

"So after all this time in Asterin, you must speak their ancient language perfectly."

She answered back in excellent Asterin.

"Yes of course."

Now that was the difficult part. I hoped she would understand what I was trying to do and agree with my idea.

"I think you must have noticed the camera in the room. They must hear everything we say so follow my lead. If you know perfect Asterin what did I say?"

She slightly lifted her eyebrows and chin. She thought about it for a second realizing, I had figured out a way to escape.

"No Loki I don't like you and you will never be king of Asgard."

"Harsh but I went too easy on you, how about this? So since you can manipulate what others see around them I have an escape plan if you are interested."

"Wow, Loki if you keep saying how sweet and hot I may even fall in love with you."


I wanted to laugh so bad but I had to stay in character. I could see his lips pressing together in annoyance but he wouldn't ruin his strategy.

"What if your brother hears us talking and he understands what we are saying?"

"Yes, I am very intelligent indeed. He does not speak Asterin, you see while he was trying to get bulky and feed his big ego, I actually learned something useful."

We smiled throughout this whole process trying to appear like we were actually having a normal conversation. I was witnessing the God of mischief lying, so I tried to copy his movements. I nodded occasionally to portrait agreement and started speaking with my hands to make it seem more believable.

"How is it possible to have a better accent than me? I've lived there for almost 50 years!"

"Yes but I am way older than you. I had plenty of time to exercise. You are close to 100 years old so technically, you are still an infant compared to me."

I giggled with his answer. He noticed that my reaction was genuine, making the rest of the conversation less unnatural.

"What do you have in mind?"

"We could start a fight and make it as believable as possible. You could create a fake argument. In the end, make me strangle you. Everyone without a doubt, since you are a female, will unlock the cage to save you..."

"I'm going to stop you for a second because you are talking for a long time and it might seem suspicious.  I think I can speak more languages than you."

"I am certain that you can not. Let me tell you something in Mistan and let's see if you will understand half of the things I am saying."

(Speaking now Mistan)

"As I was saying it will only take a split second when they open the glass door to teleport the real us out. From that moment because we will be still invisible thanks to you, the fake us will stop the fight before the paramedics touch you and realize that it's unreal. What did I say now?"

"Well I have never been to Asgard but after that, I can not wait to visit it one day. Before you say that I can only understand and not speak the language here is this. Why would I help you? They will probably set me free after a couple of days anyway."

"You told me once that you can not remember anything from your past, no matter how many times you tried... I happened to know a man that can retrieve if not all, at least some of your memories if you help me steal the stone."

My eyes widened. All these years of feeling lost could be fixed. I had so many questions but as the years passed my hopes of ever finding out the truth, lowered. As an immortal, I outlived my parents and torturers. My chances of getting answers were very slim. I had to take the offer. Thor and Fury would have understood. I could not continue my story if I did not know how it started.

"How can I trust you?"

"You can not. You will have to take a chance."

A Game Of Love And LiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora