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The small wesen scream as his family torn down in the flame. Caused by misunderstanding of his own kin's existence, all wesens were threaten by their power that believed to be able to wipe out every existence by unleashing their truest potential.

Legend had said, a drop of the blood from this creature able to grant any supernatural living a great power,but once it was taken off from the body, it turn into mist. Only by direct bite could enhance your power by differences.

Too indulged in the fear of the so called legend, human and fairies work together to banish all those creatures from nonexistent. Not wanting for it to fall in the wrong hand, no living creatures that carried the blood of the cursed were left to live.

Except for one. Watching from far away as his once most proudest family burn to ashes,by the fire of a strong witch known as to be the only way to kill them.

He who despise the humans and the creatures that were involved had swore on his family oath, to get his revenge and so he did. The last witch was said to be protected from any human sighting. Living far from any other supernatural creatures.

A woman name Goo eun, protected by thousands of myth creatures in deep Black Forest were believe to be the last white witch that able to kill him and yet, he was too deep into the hatred to ignore his pain.

In only two nights, the soldier became the the fallen one in the battlefield. Leaving the sole source of their chances without no protection as he flap his wing towards the hiding.

"My brother was only three when you decide that we are a threat. My mom was pregnant when she plead to let her family go. My dad was ill when you think he can wipe you stinky creatures existence.

Do i look a like threat?" said him as he look back to the fallen soldiers with a chuckle.

He turn his focus back on the whimpering woman,her eyes are everywhere but not on him.

"I guess i am now. I was pure before you decide to wipe out all my kin. My kin was cursed while you think we were blessed. Now I'm all alone and will always be once i kill you."

He swing his black raven sword to the woman’s neck. Waiting for her last word but none were spoken.

"As your wish" said him.

He swing the proud relic, as the sword making it's way to the woman last breath, he never miss the small smile of guilt on the woman’s face. As if she was sorry for his unfortunate fate.

He felt nothing. No victory cheer. No smile. No emotion. It was long gone along with the fire. And now, with no witch as his last  escapade from the cursed,he left to venture the lone world that seems to strange for a stuck up teen.

He, Kim Jongwoon, the last living dark creatures, a Dunkler Fluch Wesen, were left with nothing as he keep moving. Away from the past that holding him,not knowing what will await him in hundreds year that will put him in the same situation, again.

It occur to me that i never publish this story here? I heard some of asianfanfic reader were here but some of wattpad reader never read anything on that app so here you go. Its a fantasy story that i wrote 2(2018) years ago. I'll be changing some of the wordings because im a child when i wrote this....
Jk I'm old af. Anywho. Hope you guys enjoy this one too!!

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