"Don't go where I can't follow!"

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•You and Ellie are set to patrol a nearby town and come across a building you have to explore•
Words: 1781

You saddled your horse Altas, as you waited for your girlfriend Ellie. The two of you hadn't been dating for a long time so Ellie had her space so you didn't live together yet. But of course due to THAT fact was exactly why she was late.
"(YN)!" Ellie's tired voice rang through the stables. You laughed lightly at her messy hair and the fact her clothes weren't entirely in place. Nobody knew you and Ellie were dating yet other than family and a few close friends. Jackson was a small town and word travelled fast all the time. You wanted to avoid the drama as much as possible.
"Morning sleepyhead." You teased. Ellie rolled her eyes at you quickly saddling Shimmer.
"Come on we gotta go or Maria will have our heads." Ellie urged. You hopped up onto Atlas who playfully nudged Shimmer with his snout. Together you rode out of Jackson. "So we're clearing the town today."
"Ugh. I hate the town, it takes so long." You pouted at her. Ellie chuckled riding closer to you.
"I'm sorry for being late." Ellie apologized, guilt clear in her green eyes.
"Whatever loser." You teased. "You wouldn't have been late if you hadn't been up so late." You winked at her. Joy lit up in your chest at her freckled cheeks turning pink.
"Oh whatever, come on Shimmer." Ellie scoffed kicking Shimmer up into a near sprint. You laughed chasing after her, you both knew Atlas was faster but that didn't make the race for the town any less fun.
Once you rode into the Main Street of the town you slowed Atlas down taking in the streets around you. Listening for any infected or stragglers. Once you couldn't hear anything you let Ellie lead to the building the outpost was at. A small clothing store up in the attic was where the guestbook was. However on the way you saw a small shop you had never stopped to look at before.
"Ellie, come over here." You nodded your head towards the alleyway. Ellie raised a brow at you but turned Shimmer around to approach you anyways.
"No." Ellie said bluntly.
"Ellie please, we have to look around. Imagine if Dina found out you didn't have any adventure in you." You winked at her. The small shop was actually an abandoned strip club. You just wanted to look around for a bit. Ellie sighed at you.
"Don't go anywhere I can't follow." She sighed. You hopped off Atlas tying him to a bike rack nearby.
"Come on El! You aren't curious?" You asked eagerly.
"No, mostly because this place looks ready to collapse. I'm not sure (YN).." Ellie trailed looking up at the building. She was absolutely right. However you weren't one to back down.
"Come on, maybe if youre lucky I'll give you the real experience." You winked at her. Ellie took a deep breath in and held your hand as you wandered down the alley. The boarded up windows did little to deter you and your girlfriend. Your offer must've been tempting because Ellie took her bat and broke through some of the wood boards.
"Be careful (YN), Joel and Tommy have never told me anything about this place. Infected could be in there." Ellie warned. You rolled your eyes and hopped through the window. Ellie followed closely.
"Holy shit." You gasped. There was in fact a stage with horrendous purple carpet and a few poles connected to the ceiling. Knocked over chairs and tables scattered around, you walked around while Ellie rummaged around the bar for any supplies.
"Found some booze." She called.
"Perfect for tonight, we're going on a date." You beamed at her from where you stood near the stairs up to the stage.
"A date? What do you have in mind?" Ellie said smugly. You could just hear the smirk in her voice.
"I was gonna cook for you at my place." You answered. Ellie peaked up from under the bar to grin at you. You jerked your head, beckoning her to the stage. "Take a seat gorgeous." You purred flipping a chair so it was right in front of the stage. Ellie obliged, watching your every move with sharp green eyes. When you walked across the stage you felt the floorboards beneath your feet groan, you ignored it figuring it was just because it was old. But once you got center stage you heard a loud crack.
"(YN), get off the stage. You can give me a lap dance tonight." Ellie flirted, although worry was clear in her voice. You nodded in agreement, when the wood groaned one final time before collapsing beneath you.
"Ellie!" You cried out as you fell through the structure. When you hit the ground the air was stolen from your lungs and your back arched with pain. Your next breath shuddered and stung in your lungs. All you could do was lay there for a moment. Everything hurt. You could feel splinters in your arms and your ankle was tender. But your arm, a piece of wood must've had a nail in it because it slashed from your bicep down to your elbow. It was bleeding profusely, you swore quietly as you ripped a strip of your shirt to wrap around it. Your backpack was upstairs, you had slung it off before your 'performance' for Ellie.
A horrifying click was heard followed by a violent screech. You watched in terror as a clicker ran at you. It threw itself on top of you, while you were sobbing through your teeth keeping it as far away from you as possible. Not like this, not like this, not like this. With one arm keeping the clicker at bay you reached into your pocket for your knife and jammed it into the clickers neck. Blood poured all over you as you jerked the knife out and shoved the still convulsing corpse off you. You just sat there on the ground crying in pain, not knowing where to go or what to do. It felt like your arm was on fire and with a hurt ankle you couldn't just climb up.
"Ellie!" You whisper yelled up through the gaping hole above you. No response. She was probably already trying to find a way to you like the amazing girlfriend she was. You scoffed to yourself, so much for that date. You stood up hissing as your ankle protested at the movement. Then with your knife in your hand and the flashlight in the other you began to search for a way back upstairs. Forgotten clothes racks with lingerie and feathery boas were tipped over. You limped around, listening for more infected. No signs of anymore, when you stumbled across a dressing room you found a note.

To whoever finds this,
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, tell my wife and children I love them. I just can't pull the trigger. I can't do it. And I'm sorry to whoever I may kill due to this. I've cleared the rest of the club for all infected other than myself. Hopefully that helps my conscious sleep tonight for tomorrow I will awake a monster.

You sighed in relief at the fact that there might not be anymore infected around. But still carefully you kept looking around. When you found the stairs they were barricaded up to the door at the top. You were trying so hard to focus on getting out, once you were out then you'd allow yourself to feel the pain in your arm that hung limp at your side. Blood beginning to seep through your makeshift bandages you had to find Ellie fast.
"Oh no, (YN)." Ellie whispered from behind you. She scared you so bad you pulled your knife on her, she had her hands up in the air as you took in her face. "It's me, it's Ellie." She cooed.
"Ellie. Please get me out of here." Tears welled in your eyes and your lip wobbled. Ellie nodded quickly, she held your hand tightly as she lead you to the other staircase she found that lead to backstage. From there she gently took you outside where she could get a better look at your injuries in the setting sun. You couldn't believe you and Ellie had wandered the town for that long, and that you had been trapped below the stage for that long.
"Holy fuck (YN). You're pretty beat up." Ellie said softly as she bandaged you quickly, you'd get proper care at the clinic in Jackson. When Ellie was done she simply stared into your eyes, then you finally let out your tears of pain and fear. The blood drying on your skin rubbed off onto Ellie's jacket as she held you. And even though you had to get back to Jackson Ellie held you as you cried.
Back at Jackson the clinic wanted to keep you overnight to make sure nothing was infected and they got all the splinters out. They told Ellie to leave and get some sleep but she refused. She sat in the chair next to you, one hand holding yours and the other sketching lightly in her favorite journal.
"Ellie I'm so sorry." You apologized. Her gorgeous green eyes snapped up to yours, confusion clear in them.
"You have nothing to be sorry for (YN). You couldn't have predicted this to happen. I'm sorry for not getting to you sooner." Ellie's bottom lip shook at she took you in. Messy (HC) locks, tired (EC) orbs, and skin paled due to the loss of blood. Yet she still looked at you as though you were the most beautiful person in the world.
"Thank you for being such a wonderful girlfriend." You sighed placing your hand on her warm cheek. You pulled away to pat the twin sized mattress, moving over so there was enough room for Ellie. You watched as Ellie removed her jacket and shoes before crawling under the blankets you held up for her. She wrapped an arm around your middle pulling you close to her.
"I'm so glad you're safe, if you had.. died," Ellie choked on the word, it made your heart tighten. "I think I would be lost without you. I think you're the best thing to happen to me ever." Ellie rambled. You leaned in and kissed her gently.
"I love you too El."

"YOU GUYS ARE DATING??" Jesse yelled dropping the vase of flowers he and Dina brought you. Ellie's laughter was the prettiest sound you'd heard all day.

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