"He's Voldemort's grandson." Hermione says, and Lavender stills, looking wide-eyed at Hermione.


"He's Voldemort's grandson." Hermione repeats in irritation. She is absolutely disgusted with Percy; he's clearly using some kind of potion to change his appearance and mess with her. Who cares if she tells Lavender, she should just tell everyone and stop them from falling for his charm.

"He's new to the wizarding world, right? Then he doesn't know his grandfather, can't be evil, and I can still crush on him." Lavender says while gazing at the picture with love. Hermione is shocked, what kind of idiot did her roommate become?


Dennis Creevey was amazed. He could tell the pictures of the newly famous idols Percy, Jason and Nico would be popular with the girls, but not this popular. Heck, even some guys bought some of his pictures he printed. The bad thing was that he ran out of pictures, the good thing was he brought his laptop. The problem...no printer.

Dennis had another idea, he could always use his magical camera and not his muggle one and snap some pictures of Percy, Jason and Nico. Muggle pictures are great, but magic ones are better, so the pictures he can sell for even more. The problem...his magic camera got broken during the earthquake.

Dennis still wasn't ready to give up, he wanted to earn some money while he can, that way he can afford new robes and all that for next year. Wearing old robes every single year has often gotten him bullied, and his brother, Colin, is no longer around to protect him. Dennis paced back and forth in his room, his bunkmates were in the common room doing homework, which reminded him that he also had homework to do.

"What if I just show people videos of the three performing?" He says aloud, liking the idea. His only problem is no Wi-Fi, but he has downloaded some that won't take Wi-Fi to play. Still, there's multiple videos of the three that he could make a good bit of money off of by letting others watch, just the couple he has won't make him much money.

"I'll just go with this method." Dennis says, figuring over break he can always print out more pictures and download more videos. "Who should I offer the chance to watch the video to first? I've only got one laptop, didn't even bring my phone, ugh, guess I'll go one person at a time."

Three days later


Nico walked down with Percy and Jason for breakfast. School starts back up today, which is awful, but expected. Nico was rather happy this morning. Percy was really opening up and sharing what he dreamed about. While it hurt to make Percy tell him such painful things, he could tell it was helping Percy get rid of some of the grief.

Nico was still dwelling on Percy's last nightmare. He dreamed of the day Annabeth gave him that ring, a ring that meant so much to him. Nico admits he was jealous seeing Percy wearing a ring, but, also happy because Percy would look at the ring with joy. The Titan War ended, and the ring was Annabeth's gift to Percy, Percy giving her a bracelet that would turn into a dagger he had Tyson make.

The bracelet was just as important as the ring, and both items had been shattered in the war. Percy had neither item to keep, to remind himself of Annabeth, which Nico could tell pained him. Percy barely had any pictures or items from Camp, most having been destroyed in the war. Each was a treasure, even if they were from demigods who betrayed them.

Nico could sense that Percy didn't hate the traitors, he only hated himself for not stopping them. That's why, even items from traitors, Percy would treasure it. Nico sits down, noticing a lot of stares, more then normal. The three have always been attention magnets, Aphrodite having made that specific affect worse, but this was different. He could tell something happened to make people look at him with awe.

"Something's up." Jason murmurs.

"You think?" Nico hisses, glancing at Percy who was picking at his food. The three rarely came out since the earthquake, so they don't often meet with the other students.

"They're looking at us like...fans." Jason says with a shudder at the last word. The three all shared looks of horror. They'd been exposed to the word of a celebrity for only three months, and fans were a horrifying existence. They chased you everywhere, peace is just a memory of the past once you have fans. The paparazzi is worse, privacy is just a memory of the past when you consider them.

"What did we do?" Percy asks, slightly confused. They somewhat understood that the wizards and witches were rather closed off from the mortals, they didn't understand things as simple as lightbulbs. This meant no computers or phones, but there were muggles, or mortals as the three preferred to call them that had witch/wizard powers.

A mortal that knows of them that comes to Hogwarts could tell everyone about their little tour, or worse, have a phone and show people videos. Neither Nico or Jason answers Percy, both coming to the same conclusion.
"Our first class is combat without wands." Nico says, deciding now's a great time to leave, go outside, and get away from the looks of awe and worship. 'Just great, let me guess, next people learn about Percy's grandfather, and hate us, and I'll want to electrocute everyone...like Percy will ever let me do that...I really want to electrocute someone...' 

Percy Jackson, Grandson of VoldemortNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ