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>> Yoongi's P . O . V <<

"Jimin!! Thank god you're awake !!"

My eyes widen when I heard the all too familiar Jin-hyung's voice coming from Jimin's room.

I rushed as fast as I can along with the others.

All of my worries burried down deep inside of me when I saw the younger in Jin's arms. I swear I saw a glimpse of discomfort and troubled on his face. He seems bothered by something. I just shrugged my head , thinking it was nothing and just my mind's going crazy from all of the worrying.

>> No one's P . O . V <<

"H-hey guys" Jimin finally managed to blurt out some words , considering his sore throat is affecting his ability to speak.

"hey Jimin, are you feeling okay now ?" Namjoon asked, hinting a concerned tone in his voice.

"You make us worry a lot !" Hoseok added before throwing himself onto Jimin.

Jimin felt his heart throbbed when he heard that he makes his brothers worried. Even though, he's now mentally scolding himself , he let out a soft chuckle - a fake one but somehow it managed to make his brothers' hearts skipped a beat. If only they knew it was fake. Jimin had gotten better at faking his emotions except times when he's having a panic attack. He didn't want his emotions to be a burden to others so he decided to keep it all inside.

Everyone started talking at once which makes Jimin a tad bit dizzy with all the incoherent speeches going at once.

"Guys , stop!!" Jin yelled at the top of his lung which made everyone stop at the instant.

"Can't you see our sweet Jimin is having a hard time ?! He just woke up and you all are being super annoying first things first" he added, purposely pressing on the super annoying.

They all looked at the poor boy and started apologizing to him. Jimin just shooked his head slightly and gave them a faint smile.

------------ timeskip --------------------------

( A/n *inserts Jungkook's lEtS gEt tHiS bREaD )

>> Jimin's P . O . V <<

After exchanging a few more words, they all left to give me a few hours to rest.

I let out an exasperated sigh as I fall back onto the soft mattress. Although I was desperately calling for help back then, I could not help but still blame myself for making them worried.On the bright side, tae and kook seemed to be getting along with each other again-i think ? Aside from that, I've been wondering about my dream again. what does he mean by "it will kill you" ? And who's it ?- or rather what is it ?

I used most of my energy to push myself up, waiting for a moment before stepping down the floor and head towards the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and I saw myself. Eyes red and puffy, my messy hair sticking out of place and my lightly flushed cheeks. I cringed as I move my eyesight down to my baggy clothes. I slowly lift up my shirt and saw my pitiful body.

"I'm getting fatter..." I mumbled loud enough only for me to hear.

Yes, you are getting fatter. A voice deep somewhere in my head which I hated the most popped out.

You're fat



a burden


the voice keeps going on and on, telling me how I'm a failure and shouldn't even be allowed to breathe anymore.

I resisted the temptation to harm myself when I saw the untouched razor blade on the corner of the sink.

I decided to take the easy way outta the reality, sleeping. Yes, sleeping. Sleeping makes me forget about reality and I'm sure many other people could relate.

I reached out for the sleeping pills under my bed and slip two of them into my mouth before drifting to sleep.


Once again, I found myself on the same cloud and now facing the same scenery I've seen in my last dream.

Something clicked and suddenly the scenery changed into a place I recognised as hell-my old school.

Where all of the suffering started. The place that made me wish I wasn't born in this world. The place which made me realized how cruel the world is.

I am now sitting in my old school desk. A desk covered in doodles of insults.






Dick sucker



I glanced over to my side and saw people whispering about me. Some pitied me while some makes harsh remarks while showing a face full of disgust.

The door slammed open, showing Kang Jin-hyun (random ass name lol) and his minions entering the room.

My whole body shivered and started shaking. I knew this was all a dream but seeing the one who made my life a living hell, I could not contain my fear.

He saw my face and a smirk appeared in the corner of his mouth. He moved closer until he reached my desk.

"Hey, there. Park Jimin"

(A/n I seriously don't know where's this story gonna end but I just go with the flow I guess. Ffs , i'm prolly gonna make Jimin's suffering end soon and then more fluff and smut can make their appearance in the story)

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