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>> Jimin's P . O . V <<

I woke up due to the delicious aroma that filled the spacious room of mine. I sat up and yawn before I make my way to my vanity table and reach for the sky blue brush located next to my hairdryer.

I brushed out my hair trying to look presentable as possible before heading down the hall towards the dining room.

I sat down at the table big enough to serve for 9 people and I plop my head on the table , squeezing my eyes shut as I tried to get more of sleep time. The table was too hard for my liking and I let out a big sigh as I lift up my head. Suddenly I felt a pat on the back and I turned around to see Namjoon hyung - still in his pajama , smiling at me.

"Still sleepy jiminie ?" He asked as he sat down on the empty chair beside me.

"Yeah , I couldn't get much sleep last night " I let out a yawn while rubbing my eyes.

" I'll ask Jin hyung to make you some hot chocolate " He flashed a worried look before sipping on the hot coffee that's already been prepared by the maid earlier.

"Thanks, but you don't need to hyung. I'm fine. I got a day off today so might as well just sleep the whole damn day" exasperated sighs can be heard escaping from my mouth.

"Language jimin and yeah , you should do that, your eyebags look horrible" he remarked.

>> No one's P . O . V <<

Just then , foot stomps can be heard from the hall and the younger - Jeon Jungkook entered the room , soon followed by hoseok and taehyung .
Both taehyung and Jungkook threw themselves on jimin , making him chuckled at the unexpected approach while hoseok just sat down at the table .
Jimin hugged them back and both of them move along to their seats. Jin had prepared waffles and pancakes and Jimin couldn't be more delighted by the menu.

Jin seated himself beside namjoon with a smile on his face . The smile soon turned into a frown when he spotted one of his brothers missing .

" Is yoongi still asleep ?" the older asked even though it was obvious that the younger was still fast asleep.

" yea , he is . Isn't that obvious ?" Tae voiced from the other side of the table.

"Of course , I know that he's still sleeping. Jfc , I swear to god I will beat his ass later " he scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"C-calm down hyung . Maybe one of us can go wake him up" Namjoon tried calming the older down before it get worse.

"Jimin should go. Yoongi hyung seems to only wake up when Jimin is the one who wake him up" Taehyung said as he served himself two pancakes and a waffle with maple syrup and whipping cream on the side.

"There's truth in that. Jimin honey, can you go and wake up the piece of shi- I mean yoongi and tell him the breakfast is served" Jin said with a gentle tone and a warm smile.

Jimin nodded and proceed to yoongi's room which was located on the second floor. Jimin decided to take the elevator because why not ? It's easier than the stairs. He didn't want to keep the others waiting.

'Ding !'
The elevator door opened.

Jimin exited and went to the last room on the floor , knocking on the door before entering. The room was filled with music instruments , papers were seen laying on the floor and the room smelt like mint bubblegum . Lovely and refreshing.

Jimin approached the sleeping older , lightly tapping on his shoulder.

"Hyung , wake up " Jimin whispered in his ear.

Yoongi shifted to the other side of the bed , still in deep sleep.

Jimin took a big breath before yelling


Yoongi was so startled , he fell out from the bed .

" oww " He rubbed his head.

"sorry hyung , but you really need to wake up or jin hyung is going to kill you"

"It's fine, Jimin" yoongi gets up from the floor and grab jimin's hand as they both come back down to the dining room.

Yoongi was welcomed with death stares coming out from each and single one of his siblings. He smirked at them , knowing why they're acting like this. His grip on jimin's hand became tighter. He kept on holding his hand until Jungkook spoke up.

"Jimin hyung , you should eat too. The food are getting cold"

"Oh yeah I should" Jimin smiled at Jungkook before seating down at his seat.

Yoongi just rolled his eyes and sat beside Jin who's holding a spatula on his right hand.

As Jin was about to smack yoongi with his spatula , a voice called out.

"Jin dear, don't hit your brother"

" listen to your mother" The man beside her added.

"I will" Jin replied and he smiled at yoongi. The smile wasn't ordinary.
The smile clearly had a meaning = you're lucky this time. Just wait , I will smack your ass.

Yoongi shrugged it off and started eating his plate of food , knowing he's gonna die anyways, so why bother ?

After they eat , their father spoke out.

" I have an announcement to make tonight. Be sure to be there " he said and he and his wife exited the room , leaving a crowd of confused people.

"What could it be ?"


Sorry if this is cringe lmao , I don't have the best choice of words so yeah.

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