9| Broken hearted

Start from the beginning

"Next" I sighed, leaning my head on my hand
I was so bored. There were less souls to judge thanks to Thanatos neglecting his duties
Sephy had left a few weeks ago so I was all alone.

Caria was picking up most of Thanatos' work and Hypnos kept feeding me excuses for his incompetent brothers absence.
"My Lord" I heard Hypnos before I saw him
I sighed, I meant the next soul
Not any visitor that wants to wonder through the gates.

"Arose that brother of yours?" I asked blankly
"No my Lord. Bu-"
"There is no but. Hypnos. The souls need collecting. People need to die, it is the way the world works is it not? Caria cannot keep picking up his slack" I said irritated.

He has been inactive for weeks. And every time I visit Sephy all she says is he is hurting.
They are both hurting.
Well I am hurting
My wife is not here

My death god is sulking over my daughter
And my daughter is doing twice the work whilst sulking over that moron in return.

"I know. I am going to see him again now" he said
"Then tell him. That if he does not get up and fulfil his duties then I am making him" I warned.

"I believe him and Macaria need to talk" he said
"What I need is Thanatos back to his duties. Not wallowing over my daughter" I snapped.

"I- yes my Lord" he said defeated, before he left the room.


"Brother!" I shouted, entering his room
I received no reply. As usual.
"Than" I said, moving across the room to turn to light on
"Leave me" he said groggily, face down on the bed.

"You need to get up" I said
"I need her" he said back, I sighed
"Get up. Right now. Or I shall plague your dreams for the rest of eternity" I threatened
"So what... nothing is worse than her hating me" he said
"Fine. Get up or I shall plague all you dreams with her. Her beauty and her voice, her laugh and her smile..."

"Stop it" he said
"The way she always insists you call her Macaria..."
"Stop it!" He said, sitting up
"The way she longs after you the way you do her" I said
"Stop!" He shouted.

"Then tell her. Tell her how you feel" I said
"No. She does not want me" he said sadly
"She kissed you" I argued
"In a moment of madness, you did not see the look on her face Hypnos-"
"And clearly you did not either... she never looked at you in disgust Thanatos, it was sorrow" I said.

"Why would she feel sorrowful?" He asked
"I cannot tell you that dear brother, that is why you need to stand up, get dressed, and confess your feelings" I said.
"No" he said immediately, lying back down.

"Hades is not happy, you need to come back and stop neglecting your duties Than" I said
"Just leave me" he said, covering his face with the blanket
"Do you choose not to listen or has heartbreak hurt your hearing? Hades will come and drag you out if he has to" I said
"Let him..." he mumbled.

"Thanatos! This is not going to get any better, not until you admit how you feel to Macaria" I said, she loves him. He loves her
It is really not that hard. Why do they have to make everything so difficult?

"Guess nothing will get better then" he grumbled
I sighed, striding out of the room
He is so clueless it is infuriating. And Macaria is now too stubborn to say anything.

I have got to do something about this

I waited for the door to open, and when it finally did I was met with the sight of Melinoe
"Hypnos, how are you?" She smiled
"Princess" I bowed. I was not as well conversed with Melinoe as I was with Macaria these days.
And I did not want a punishment from Hades if I was caught not bowing before the royalty

"I am in dire need of some help" I said, she looked confused but gestured for me to enter her room nonetheless.

"Help with what?" She asked
"Thanatos and Macaria" I said, she sighed, sitting down by the fire
"Macaria will not stop wallowing... I am assuming Thanatos is the same?" She asked, exhaustion in her voice.

I nodded, feeling somewhat out of place in her room
"He is worse... he has not left his quarters in weeks" I said, before she gestured to the other chair, and I hesitantly sat down opposite her
"So what do you need help with exactly?" She asked curiously
"I think we should get them together... in the same place, force them to talk it out" I suggested.

"I am not sure that is our place to intervene" she said
"I know, but it is got to be better than the current circumstances, he is heartbroken and I know she is too, and all for a misunderstanding. They love each other" I explained.

She nodded slowly
"I suppose getting them in the same place is not too unforgivable... right?" She asked unsure
I nodded
"We just have to make them think the other has asked them to meet" I said.

"Okay... so how do we do that?" She asked.


I was lying in bed, reading over some poetry. Anything to get the dark eyed man I ache for out of my head
But I was only halfway through reading when a sound caught my attention.

I looked to the door, and there was a piece of paper lying on the floor
I put my book down, and slipped off the bed
I opened the door, but nobody was there.

I bent down, and picked the note up.


Please meet me by the Blossom tree tomorrow evening, the past few weeks have been torture and we need to discuss our feelings. I understand you are hurting, for I am too.
But please. Meet me

Yours, Thanatos

He... he wants to see me?
He wants to talk about our feelings? But he does not have feelings.
Not towards me anyway.

I sat back down on the bed, rereading the page over and over again.


The darkness gave little comfort
I thought lying here alone would help to ease the pain
Because seeing her would only strike my heart every time she smiled and laughed
But this was not helping. Nothing did.

I felt destroyed... all the time.

Knock knock
Why can people not just leave me be?
Let me drown in my own misery... it is not even like I could eventually die from lying here
I heard a noise against the door, I turned my head on the pillow, glancing at the doorway
There was a note on the floor.

Then the footsteps faded.
I slowly got up, picking up the paper

My dear Thanatos

Please meet me by the Blossom tree tomorrow evening, the past few weeks have been torture and we need to discuss our feelings. I understand you are hurting, for I am too.
But please. Meet me

Only yours, Macaria

Only mine?
She... she wanted to see me?
About what? She made it evident that she did not feel for me... not the way I craved that she would.

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