"So you're undecided, I see." She said and gave me an unimpressed look. "I was hoping your spiritual form would show more power, after all I know you have so much power. You are one of them. Are you not?"

"Yes, I am one of them. However I enjoy the way other spirits underestimate me. I just search for my true form, unlike others who are content with one." I told her.

"Is that so? Well, then what do you think of my form? I rather enjoy it." Kiko took her soft ghostlike kimono in her hands and bowed elegantly.

"It looks mystifying, darling. Absolutely breathtaking. I'm sure some of the lower spirits would follow you everywhere just to cherish your existence." I told her and watched amused as she became flustered.

"W-What are you anyways?" I smiled softly taking a temporary form of my human body, only changing it to about the age Kiko was using. 

 "I am Zen." I said with a smirk and touched her cheek. She slapped my hand away with a faint flush on her ghostly cheeks.

"Zen-sama. How old are you exactly?"

"379 years old, but who's counting?" I stated shrugging.

 "You must be pretty patient then you old bag." Kiko laughed softly and waved her hand infront of her face.

"Yes, but from your physical form you must be about one hundred or so." I stated and gave her a smug look. I heard her growl in frustration.

"It is impolite to ask how old a woman is." She growled.

 "So your chosen gender is a female. Thats good. Did you choose your name, or take honor of letting me name you?" I asked with a smirk.

"What do you mean, honor? I just liked the name you chose for me." She stated and crossed her arms.

"Then why didn't you chose your own name?" I asked and took a lock of her soft brown hair. She bit her lip and turned away.

"Shut up. I just never thought of getting a name, just like you haven't chosen a gender."

"Oh, no no no. I've been troubled about choosing a gender for the longest time. However I will only do so after I found my other half." I stated and winked down at her. Glancing at her breasts. She slapped me out of the spirit world and I jumped as yells echoed around me.

"YOU'RE LATE!" Naruto and Sakura yelled, and I fell back as Kiko's bird form headbutted me back into a tree powerfully.

"Sorry. A Black cat got out and I had to take the longway here." He stated.

"FOR FIVE HOURS?!" Naruto yelled.


"FIVE. HOURS!?" Sakura repeated angrily.

"Shut up. You're all being loud." I said glaring at them. The two loudmouths cowered from my intense gaze and Kakashi sweatdropped.

"Right.." My gaze flickered to him.

"Zen, Why do you have a red slap mark on your cheek?" Kakashi asked. My gaze slithered over to Kikoenai and she began tweeting hysterically.

"Shut up Kikoenai, you stupid baby. I'm your senpai and owner so thats the only reason I let you live." I growled at her form that flew up in the air and fell a little as she continued laughing in melodic tweets. I couldn't help the smile that formed though.

"Wait, what exactly happened?" Sakura now asked.

Kiko began laughing harder.

You're an egoistic lump of raw fish

A Shadow of a Shinobi {Naruto/Spirited Away Fan Fiction}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz