Chocolate Ice Cream (Aomine X Reader)

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You've always love ice cream. Ever since your tongue got introduced to it, you're always craving for more. Surprisingly, you managed to keep your body in shape even though you eat ice cream regularly.

Your favorite flavor was chocolate. Chocolate and vanilla, choco mint, choco chips, anything with chocolate in it. However, the good-old-plain chocolate ice cream is the only flacor that could satisfy your taste bud the most.

And so, it's color reminded you of a certain someone.


On one sunny day, you were walking in the park with an ice cream cone in your hand. It melted quickly, so you have a little trouble eating it.

Suddenly, you bumped onto certain person, "S-sorry!" you managed to stutter out. As you lift your head out, your eyes met a boy with a tanned skin. "Tch, you better watch out where you're going." he clicked his tongue. He eyed a certain part of your body, "Flat." he clicked his tongue again.

"O-oi, idiot!" you quickly covered your chest soon as you realized what he meant by it. You eyed your ice cream in your hand. Surprisingly, you didn't spill it on his clothes. Instead, your ice cream was splattered on the ground.

My poor ice cream...

"Oi, why are you staring at the ground, hurry up and-" he stopped mid sentence and followed your eye.

He sighed, "Come with me, I'll buy you a new one."

Your eyes sparkled with happiness, "Really?" He was taken aback a bit by your action, but he remained keeping his cold demeanor, "Yeah, sure, whatever."

"Thank you so much, uh..."

"Aomine, Aomine Daiki."

"Thank you, Aomine-kun."


You sighed happily as you recalled the memories from back then. A certain male voice called out to you, "Oi, I'm going to leave you behind if you don't hurry up."

You smiled at the male, picking up your bag, "Alright, alright, chocolate ice cream."

"Shut up, flat board."

You slapped him right on his head, "Ahomine!"

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