1. The First Day

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𝟞:𝟘𝟘 𝕒𝕞

The familiar, unwelcome sound of your alarm rings through your ears. You quickly reach over onto your night stand and shut it off.

Today is not any normal day, though. It's not just another day marked off on your calendar as being average and repetitive.

It's your first day at the BAU.

And it is safe to say, you haven't been more excited about anything else in your life before. You have worked so hard to land a job at the FBI, let alone the BAU.

"I'm gonna be a fucking FBI agent!" you squeal in excitement, not caring one bit about how childish you probably sound. Though, you are quick to shut yourself up because despite it being mind-blowing for you, it is six in the morning. Your neighbors probably wouldn't appreciate being awoken to the sound of an ecstatic 26-year-old. Let's just say, they wouldn't get it.

You get out of bed, heading into the bathroom to start your typical morning routine on a completely atypical day.

Stripping out of your PJs, you get in the shower. The steaming hot water hits against your skin, giving the relief you need to take a deep breath and prepare for the day that is approaching.

You are completely ecstatic, but that doesn't take away from the fact that new things scare the hell out of you.

After 15 minutes, you dry off and brush your teeth. You open one of the drawers, pulling out your hair stuff, and head into your room.

You decide to do some loose curls and a more natural makeup look. You want to look good, but in a professional sense. Who doesn't want to look good for their first day when meeting new people?

"Not like you're gonna get some with your work colleagues anyway," you chuckle to yourself. They all probably will end up being in their 50s...

You slip on the outfit you previously had picked out the night before: a white v-neck bodysuit, and black straight-legged pants that hug your lower half. You add a pair of black heels along with jewelry that matches the outfit.

You do some final touches, and before you know it, you're ready for your first day.

Well, at least physically you are. You still aren't too sure if you're mentally prepared yet. This job isn't going to be a walk in the park—you will be hunting serial killers. Even Agent Hotchner warned you that this job can change you if you let it.

If you didn't know any better, you would think he wasn't the interviewer, but someone trying to steer you away from taking the position.

The thing is, it could very well just be you taking it that way. Your whole life you have been more terrified of the unknowns that approach you before they even happen.

You are taking the initiative now, to stop that. You will go through what you do when the time comes. There is no sense in getting worked up before you even get in the building.

You try to brush your anxiety off as best as you can, but the constant, gut feeling still lingers in your stomach. If that feeling stopped, you probably would feel empty without it. It is like a parasite that feeds off of your fear, and you have continued to allow it to for way too long.

Heading into your kitchen, you check the clock: ten minutes to spare.

You debate quickly making something for breakfast, but decide against it. Despite having plenty of time every morning, you never really do have breakfast before you start your day. You just end up always feeling sick after eating early in the morning. Plus, this morning, the way your nerves are, it probably just would make you feel sicker.

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