They also didn't notice Samuel standing a short distance away watching them flying around and laughing at one another. He didn't know why but his throat was hurting at that moment, and he couldn't suppress the frown that formed upon his brows.

Y/n was the first to notice the large group of students standing below them. She signaled for William to stop flying and both teens landed back on the ground as swiftly as they could. Y/n was met with applause as she touched the ground.

Many students were asking her where she learned to fly like that and why she wasn't on the school's Quidditch team. Just then a Hogwarts Quidditch professor made her away over to William and Her. And she was looking at y/n as if she was made out of gold.

"Ms. Grindelwald, that was some exceptional flying there. I must suggest that you come to the tryouts for the Slytherin team this afternoon." she urged, standing a foot away from the girl. Who looked at her for a second before replying.

"Look, Madam Pooch..."

"It's Hooch, Madam Hooch" she corrected automatically. Y/n wasn't in the mood to join something else. Remus had already added her to the dueling club. And now the Quidditch professor is exploiting her as well. Did they ever see a brilliant student in their life?

"Whatever, I don't think that I would be very suited to play in a team, you see... I don't work well with others. I'm kind of an individual and I want to stay that way." Y/n gave her one of her smirks and started to walk away from her but Madam Hooch was not going to give up that easily.

"Oh, don't worry about being individual. After all, seekers usually are on their own during the game," she replied, making y/n stop and raise a brow for a moment.

William looked at Y/n in awe, Professor Hooch never suggested anyone for Quidditch teams. She was not one to show any house any favoritism. But here she was suggesting Y/n to be the Slytherin seeker. There really wasn't much more praise you could get from her.

"Think about it Ms.Grindelwald, it would be a waste of your talent if you decided against it. But the decision is yours". She finished, looking at Y/n once again before she left.

Y/n was left standing there and wondering how the hell she had gotten into this mess and more importantly, how was she going to get herself out.


"Please Y/n, please come to the tryouts, you should try out for seeker, you're perfect, and I'm admitting to that when I'm in the team enemy" William pleaded with Y/n as they walked through the corridors.

"No! You're the reason I got into this mess in the first place. 'One game y/n, only one' now look what you've done!" she scolded him, irritated flashing through her,

"Madam Hooch was right. You would be wasting your talent if you were not to try out, after all, what's the point of being an excellent and attractive flyer if you can't play Quidditch?" he gave her a small smirk as he said the last words.

"Don't flirt with me, William"

"I'm not flirting, I'm just being extra nice to someone extra attractive" he simply stated, blinking innocently at the girl. Which made Y/n put her head into her hands. She really didn't want to play Quidditch, and the more she was distancing herself from people, the more she gets sucked in.

"Slytherins haven't won the cup in years because of Potter as our Gryffindor seeker, but with you on the team, they might have a chance in winning" he informed her, which made her look up at him in interest. Of course, she wouldn't want her house to be a loser, but she's hating how well William is manipulating her into doing the tryouts.

𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗥𝗢𝗟⌫ // Samuel RiddleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora