Miracles could happen more than once, couldn't they?

The rocking of a ship and the groan of old timber planks pulled you from your painful slumber, head banging like it was being cut in half. One of your arms was just able to reach to your eyes and rub at the lead-like lids. Sounds still seemed dim, but you could make out the creak of a chair as you awoke slowly.

That's right.

You were fighting alongside the crew in a thrashing storm when you were stabbed.

No wonder you could feel the metallic taste of blood on your lips as well as the thumping throbs of a deep cut in your side.

Your eyes finally opened, their blurred gaze connecting with the lightbulb that hung from the wooden ceiling as you lay on the bed. Wait... this couldn't have been your room as you had a hammock. It must've been the small infirmary that was often used by the crew due to their reckless nature...

The sound of small huffs, as if someone was sleeping away, filled your ears as you brought yourself back into play. Your eyes had not yet focused so everything was still spinning, but you slid your gaze over to what was next to you. Who, even.

Just about, you could make out a mass of red. Red like crimson roses, red like flaming fires. A tiny smile involuntarily spread onto your features as you wearily looked over to your side. Your voice came out with a tired laugh, broken sounding from how little you had spoken in the past however long you were out.

"Sleeping on the job, captain?"

Then, the eyes of tangerine opened and fell on you. The man processed the sight of you before cracking into a sleepy grin, his hum rumbling through his chest.

"You almost die and still wanna crack jokes, Angel?"

His face, albeit scarred and mocking with that grin of a killer and his painted lips in dark ruby, made you warm. Warm, yet cold tears stung your eyes as your smile tried to force away the sad frown on your features.

Kid's eyes went wide momentarily at the sight of you bringing up your arm to cover your eyes, his gaze picking up the tears now streaming down your cheeks as you lay.

"G-Goddamn it, captain. I'm so weak."

He didn't know what to do.

The sight of his crewmate completely breaking as she was wrapped in bandages of pure white around her waist and her arms, was painful. The salty taste that fled into your mouth, were enough for you to cringe at your own weakness as you cried. Surely he also thought you were weak, it was Eustass Kid after all.

You always had a tendency to be weak.


The cries were a little harder, and he grimaced.

"Ang- (Y/n)."

That was the first time he had ever called you by your real name.

Not Angel, just (y/n).

The sheer sound of his low and dangerous voice made you pry your arm from your reddened eyes. His features struck you. They were contorted into rage, but he clenched his eyes as well as his fist, as if in conflict with his own mind.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang