Ill-Fated: A Journey to Death

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A/N: Before I lose my nerve again, here is the blurb:

Ill-Fated: A Journey to Death (Dark TImes saga #1)

Welcome to Damian, the island that floats in the sky yet is hidden from everyone's sight. The island where magic exists and secrets separated from mankind far ago were hidden. A place of magic, mystery, hope and ... deceit.

The year is 2011 and the island is ruled by a tyrant wizard named Mandarin Sorjanims, the last wizard known. The people of Damian are better in every sense than their surface-dweller counterparts. But they have lived for so long under the reign of the Evil Lord Mandarin with no hope. Things change, however, when Mandarin finds out that he will die within a year and sets out on a journey to change his fate.

Watching the events unfold is the mysterious prisoner who claims to finally find release from his prison upon the conclusion of this set of events in the large scheme of fate.

As Mandarin fights for his life in a kingdom where everyone is a potential enemy, secrets and mysteries fill every corner and every step could be a trap, the prisoner watches and meddles as need comes. Sometimes helping, sometimes obstructing.

But as Mandarin begins to uncover secrets of his own forgotten past, he realizes that there are things far more valuable at risk than just his life and the kingdom.

A storm is coming and this is just the beginning.

Ill-Fated: A Journey to Death (Dark Times saga #1)Where stories live. Discover now