"Thank you George, I'll be sure to use some of your tips" I say and walk away giving him a wink. He blushes and I sit back next to Draco.

"Okay how did you do that? He was basically drooling over you" Blaise says annoyed. I take a sip of my drink.

"Duh? Who could resist these good looks?" I joke and they laugh.

"Come on let's get back" Draco grumbles. I look at him confused. He stays completely silent as we all walk to a carriage.

"You should have seen the glare he was giving Blaise when you were with George" Malia says walking next to me. I shake my head confused.

"Why though? He knows it was only a joke?" I say and she shrugs. We get on the carriage in silence and as we get back there are students running down the stairs.

"What's going on?" Malia asks. Pansy stops in front of us and rolls her eyes.

"Sirius Black has been spotted in the castle, we have to stay in the great hall. Drakey I'll save you a spot next to me" She winks at him. He rolls his eyes in disgust.

"I'm good thanks," He says.

"Are you okay? You've gone really pale" Blaise asks. I shrug as the others turn to me.

"I'm fine," I say, forcing a smile. Draco's eyes soften and he walks next to me in the hall. We all set up in the corner of the Slytherin section. It's dark and students are starting to settle down. Malia is on my right and Draco to my left. I get under the blanket and shiver slightly. Malia and the others are asleep so I curl up in a ball and turn towards Draco.

"Are you cold?" He whispers to me. I smile and shake my head at him.

"No I'm fine" I lie. He stands and gives me his extra blanket. I give him a small smile as he moves closer to me. He lets me lay my head on his chest. I snuggle into his warm body. "Why were you so angry about the George thing?"

"I um...I just think you can do better, that's all" He stutters. I move away and look at him confused. I swallow the lump in my throat and avert my gaze. For a moment I let myself believe that he actually did like me.

"Draco...l..." I start saying and he looks at me. His eyes softening and he studies my face. "Doesn't matter"

"Get some sleep" He says and smiles at me. I turn around and get comfy. One of his arms wraps around my waist and he pulls me closer. "Jesus you are cold" I laugh and he puts his chin on my shoulder. I relax into his chest and feel butterflies in my stomach. I begin to fall asleep till I hear footsteps.

"Mr Malfoy. What on earth are you doing?" My dad's voice rings out and I pretend to be asleep. I feel Draco sit up.

"She was cold, I was just making sure my best friend didn't freeze to death" He stutters. I smile into the blanket.

"I'm watching you Malfoy, no funny business with my daughter" He says and then footsteps show that he's walked away. Draco goes back to his position.

"Your dad is terrifying" He whispers and then I hear his breathing slow. I snuggle into him tightly and smile. The next morning we are allowed to return to our dorms. I jump in the shower quickly and Malia starts studying. It's a Sunday so we have the rest of the day off. I jump out of the shower and then get changed and use a spell to dry my hair.

"I'm going to see my Dad, he wants to talk to me. I'll see you at dinner?" I say to Malia as I grab my bag. She nods and smiles at me. I walk to his office and knock.

"Come in" He says. I open the door and he leans back in his chair. "Afternoon Sweetheart"

"Everything okay dad?" I ask and close his door. He gives me a small smile and nods.

His Queen, Her King (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now