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AN- Hello my lovelies, so fair warning Avatar Akira’s statements are written in bold and italics so there’s that also thanks so much for actually reading this I adore you guys so much.

                                                                                                                                                                                  AKIRA’S POV

I attempted to rub the sleep out of my eyes as I heard the far-off yelling for my presence. - Why is he always so loud? – my quirk asked, I don’t know, I replied almost systematically. She was talking about the annoying asshole I call a brother Keigo Takami, no3-pro hero, the wing hero Hawks. “Akira!” the yelling got louder – When does he shut up? Ughhh – my quirk groaned, “Akira! I made pancakes! Get your lazy ass down here!” he yelled even louder. I opened my eyes trying to adjust my eyes to the light, I looked round my room

My purple LED lights illuminating the room. “I’m coming” I let out a muffled groan. I stumbled out of my bed and nearly rolled onto the floor. “Hey you good?” I heard Keigo manage to say through laughs, “Oh, fuck off” I said with an eye roll, “Have we got a case or something?” I said after a stifled yawn, “No actually I just wanted to discuss something with you” he replied, “o...kay...” I said almost like a question, “Great see you down in 5?” he asked, “30, I wanna shower first” I answered, “kay, see you in 30” he said as he walked out of my room and down the stairs.

‘Okay what to wear’ I asked myself – The black one – my quirk said referencing the black hoodie in my closet, ‘Okay..., but what do I wear it with’ I inquired – The grey sweatpants dumbass – ‘Hey that’s not a bad idea’.

I walked through the bathroom door and then after the shower I walked back out. I threw on the black NIKE hoodie and my grey puma sweatpants. I walked down the stairs was immediately hit with the smell of Pancakes eggs and bacon, ‘Okay that’s way overkill, what’s wrong?’ I thought. I kept making a beeline for the kitchen and by the time I made it there I was hit with an unfamiliar sight.

When I walked in the smell of Pancakes and bacon got stronger, and I saw something I didn’t imagine to see in a while; Shota Aizawa, pro-hero, Eraser head standing beside the principal of U.A high school, principal Nezu and finally my brother Keigo Takami.

“Hey pumpkin, want some bacon with your pancakes?” Keigo asked me, “Umm..., sure I guess” I answered, he turned around and continued cooking, “Umm....what is this?” I asked gesturing to my second favourite pro-hero and the principal, “I mean hear me out, I love having you guys over, but why are you here exactly?” I asked, “Umm...about that...” Aizawa started to answer, “We want you to attend U.A high school” Nezu finished for him.

“WHAT!” I screamed, - Please shut up – my quirk asked me, ‘okay’ I replied in my head. I tried to calm down, “I’m already a pro-hero, a pretty popular one at that, why would I need to go to a school for aspiring pro-heroes?” I asked rather apprehensively, “because” was the reply I got from my brother, “that’s not an answer” me and Aizawa spat out at the same time, “fine” he sighed, “because it will help you build a social life” he finally answered, “I don’t need a social life” I scoffed, “yes you do” Aizawa answered while rolling his eyes, “Ugh... do I really have to do this?” I asked “yes” the three men answered quickly without hesitation.

“Okay so you are going to be in class 1A and I will be your homeroom teacher” Aizawa began explaining, “We have a lot of aspiring heroes ‘try and capture them” he continued before I cut him off by saying “so I’m a babysitter?” “yes” he replied, then proceeded the briefing “Everyone there already knows you as the youngest pro-hero and you may attract a lot of attention....”

I zoned out for a second trying to process everything whilst having a quick conversation with my quirk ‘I don’t like people’ I began in my head – Yes you do, rephrase that – ‘Okay..., I don’t like meeting new people’ – There we go – ‘Okay I should look on the bright side.... what’s the bright side?” – You get to meet new people, they may share your energy – ‘No one shares my energy’ – I do – ‘Well except you obviously’ I said with a subconscious roll of my eyes – Maybe you’re gonna meet someone – ‘I’m withdrawn with social anxiety, don’t count on it’ – Just try it, you are a completely different person once you get to know people – ‘Thanks for the compliment, I guess..’ – You better tune back into that conversation, I think they’re saying something important – ‘Yeah yeah thanks’ .

I tuned back into the conversation only to hear the last few things that Aizawa had to say “Todoroki is going to be in the class with you and you will both be recommendation students” “Wait, Shoto’s gonna be in my class?” I asked “Yes that was what I just said” was the reply i got from an irritated Aizawa, “When do I start” I asked with a smile creeping onto my face.

Hello my lovelies I appreciate you guys actually reading my books and this is my first time writing so if you could refrain from insulting my work, constructive criticism however is appreciated. Comment any questions and I will try to get back to  you. Thank you guys so much and I will try to update weekly. Sorry for any spelling errors

Bye my lovelies

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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