Is the Genie Out?

Start from the beginning

"Come on... Stop it!" she whispers, trying not to be heard by Dylan.

Except nothing escapes her bodyguard, he knows exactly what is happening. Dylan looks at Yue through the rearview mirror as if asking if she needs help. Yue shakes her head, letting him know she will handle tipsy boy.

For about 5 minutes Yue keeps rejecting the guy, feeling nauseous at the idea of kissing him, and being uneasy by his hands on her body. Why? Why can't she feel for him what she feels for Dylan? This man wants to be with her, he wants to marry her, while Dylan... Well, if only she knew how he feels, at least she would not be tormented by so many doubts.

One last time, Yue pulls her boyfriend away and Dylan hits the breaks, making the guy fall off the seat. Flop.

"Get out", Dylan says with his normal tone and his wooden face.

"What?" the man asks, getting up from the floor.

Yue tries incredibly hard to contain her laughter and scolds Dylan with her eyes.

"Let me help you up, I think you had too much wine..." she says, giving a hand to the man, trying to minimize the situation.

Dylan simply shrugs his shoulders with an innocent look on his face.

"We are here. This is your place, you can exit the car, Mr. Xu", Dylan indicates, glancing through the rearview mirror.

"YueYue, I don't want to leave you with that guy..."

Wait, is he talking about me?

"Come spend the night at my place," Kai asks, sitting back next to Yue and taking her hand.

"What? No, thanks..." Yue answers, uncomfortable by what he is implying. In fact, she feels nauseous at the idea.

"Come on, I will make it worth your while, you'll see... You will want to marry me after tonight..."

Yue is about to throw up and Dylan's face is turning purple as his hands clench the wheel. He is beginning to breathe like a bull at a corrida.

"I cannot stay in the middle of the street any longer. Leave this car, Mr. Xu... Now."

Yue shakes her head at Kai, she is not going with him. "Go, please. We'll talk tomorrow..."

Dylan is relieved. What would he have done otherwise? Maybe he would have tried to talk Yue out of a bad decision.

"Why, YueYue? Don't you have feelings for me?" Kai pleads with a drunken voice.

"This is not the right moment, OK? Please, go..."

To make a point, Dylan gets out of the car and opens Kai's door with a forced smile.

Ultimately, Kai leaves against his will and Dylan takes Yue home, trying to contain all the things he wants to say to her.

Once at home, Yue goes to bed without saying goodnight and Dylan is bothered, immensely bothered.

Why didn't she say goodnight? I didn't do anything wrong! I could have punched the guy when he got touchy, but I didn't because she said not to...

Tonight, Dylan is the one walking up and down the hallway anxiously, not knowing what to do.

Eventually, he stops in front of Yue's door, raises his hand but... No. He continues to walk left and right. Then a second time he stops at her door with his hand up but withdraws. The third time, when he is about to knock, Yue opens.

Oops. This is embarrassing.

"Why are you here?" she asks.

"Why did you open the door?"

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