The Meetup

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I was late. I was late for the meetup. I was finally going to meet all of the cube guys and I missed it. I sat down on a bench in the park where the meetup was and rested my head in my hands.
"You okay there, bud?" A familiar voice asked me.
I looked up and saw Rusher standing in front of me. Oh my god. That's Rusher. Rusher. Brayden. Brayden is talking to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just stress is all." I smiled.

"Hey, well me and my pals are going to a party. You want to come?"

"Sure." Am I dreaming? There's no way this is real, right?

We walked over to the rest of the group. Jordan, Mitch, Ryan, Joe, Zack, Mitchell, and even Graser was there.

I was holding in screams.

"Hi, I'm Kailey." I said smiling.

Brayden's POV:

I was with my friends when I noticed a beautiful girl sitting on a bench looking sad. What could a beautiful girl like her be doing here alone? I walked away from the group to ask her to come with us to a party we're going to. She said yes, she seems cool.

"Hi, I'm Kailey." She introduced herself when I brought her back to the group.

Everyone took turns introducing themselves, but I didn't like the way Mitch was looking at her.

Kailey's POV:

I met everyone two hours ago. I still can't believe this is happening. The party is on the beach in an hour, Brayden gave me his number and said he'd pick me up from my hotel.

Back in my hotel room I changed into my yellow bikini and over it I put some light high waisted shorts and a pineapple crop top. I threw a towel into a bag and put a hair binder around my wrist. I left my shoulder length brown hair down and looked in the mirror. I was ready. I still had time so I sat on the bed, got on skype, and called my friend Hailey. She didn't answer, and that's weird because she always answers.

Then I heard a knock at the door. I got up, checking the mirror last time before opening it. It was Brayden and I instantly smiled.

He handed me a flower and my heart melted. Before he could say anything I took the flower and jumped up into his arms giving him a hug.

When he let me down, I set the flower down, grabbed my bag, and we started walking to the cube house then we would all walk together.

The walk there I was trying not to stare at him, but I was a little bit. And maybe I'm imagining things, but I think he might have been staring at me too.

When we got to the house we rang the doorbell and everyone came running out except for Jordan. Where was he?

We all started walking to the beach as a group me and Brayden in the back. We started walking closer and closer together until I felt his hand brush against mine. Our fingers intertwined.

We got to the beach and I saw Jordan with- wait no, is that Hailey? I ran over to them giving Hailey a hug almost knocking her over. This is the first time I've ever met her in person.

"Wow, you really are short," She said laughing.

I laughed back and Jordan, Hailey and I went back to the group. Hailey must have caught me staring at Brayden, who was taking his shirt off to go swimming, and nudged me with her elbow.

"Join him, we can catch up later." She winked at me.

There was no way I was going to pass that up. I was extremely nervous, but I took off my top and shorts. Now in just my bikini, I started walking towards Brayden who was talking to Mitch. It looked like everyone was about to play volleyball. Mitch saw me first and whistled.

"Watch it, bud." Brayden said. I blushed. I felt eyes on me, and usually I'd feel insecure. But around Brayden, I just feel safe. Like I belong.

Someone came up behind me and whispered in my ear, "Let's go get wet." I turned around fast, my eyes wide and I hit Ryan in the arm laughing.

He took off running towards the water and I chased after him. "Not fair, I have little legs!" I yelled to him. Being short sucks. Then I felt someone grab me from behind and raise me onto their shoulders. Brayden. He took off sprinting to the water to catch up with Ryan. That 'being short sucks' thing? Yeah, I take that back.

Brayden got into the water with me still on his shoulders. "Hey Ryan, catch!"

"Wait wha-" I tried to ask before he threw me off of his shoulders into the water. When I came back up to the surface of the water we were all laughing, but out of the corner of my eye I saw Jordan and Hailey holding hands whispering to eachother. I smiled. 

We swam until the sun started to set, then we went back to shore and had a fire. I sat next to Hailey on a towel.

"So How's it going with you and Jordan," I poked her in the side.

"Great. But hey there's kind of something I need to tell you later." She said smiling, but in a serious tone.

"Hey, I have something to show you." Brayden said, sticking out his hand to help me up.

He led me to a lifeguard stand where nobody could see us and before I could ask what he was doing he pushed me up against one of the poles and kissed me.


Written at 2am for one of my friends who said I should. So here ;D

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