chapter 3: begin to plan for his revenge on Chris

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Mal Jazzy POV

He's standing there, watching them try to build a hot tub, and he was definitely going to help them.

Mal: You guys can't simply have a hot tub.

Leshawna: What do you mean, simply?

Mal: I was mean built like this when I was a little kid.

Owen: Are you really good at building this?

Mal: Yeah, right now, stand back and watch me.

He started to get ready for building by getting his tools.

A Few Hours later

Mal: I'm done now, and there is your hot tub. I have been wondering, where is the other team at, to be honest (TBH)? Also, one thing I know is...

While the Bass have difficulty moving the crates, Katie and Sadie take a bathroom break, and Courtney gets a bug bite on her eye, which causes it to swell.

Mal: One thing I know: make the swelling go down and put this on you.

He went to get an ice pack, then gave it to Courtney for her eye.

Courtney: thank you

The Killer Bass are behind in building their hot tub and are two players down since Katie and Sadie are still tending to their rashes. Geoff and Courtney attempt to rally their team to win the challenge, but ultimately they are unsuccessful.

Mal:*sign in disappointing*Your personality is everywhere, and now I know he is a criminal mastermind.

Time skip to end of the day

Duncan criticizes Courtney's high-handed nature, claiming that her bossiness and assumption of others' weaknesses make her an ineffective leader. Courtney takes offense to this.

Mal: Don't start with that, and I am going to be thinking about something.

The Gophers built a fully functional hot tub, while the Bass assembled a well-constructed one that didn't leak and collapse in on itself, costing them the first challenge.

Mal: I am going to go

At dinner, the Bass try to decide whom they are going to vote out. Duncan suggests that it should be either Courtney or DJ, the two who did not jump. His vote leans towards Courtney, as he considers DJ's strength to be a potential future advantage.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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