This is my very lesbian best friend. Hell, by now she's my sister. We've know eachother since kindergarten. She's been through a lot and ive been there for her so we're really close.

"Get yo gay ass on" I said

"Sounds like racism towards the me and the alphabet mafia." she said getting on her phone

"Did you just call it the alphabet mafia?" I asked


"I can't with your moe" I said laughing

"I'm starting to think pop ass gay because he never bring any bitches over. It's always them same dusty ass niggas" she said

"Exactly and I swear they be staring at me. I have to talk to pop about that" I said

"Do that because you not about to be uncomfortable in your own house" she said

"I will"

"I'm outside" Uzi said through his phone

"Okay I'm coming" I said hanging up

"Ouuuu bitchhh he bring you food this time of night? Mhm y'all fucking" Chelly said nodding her head

"It's only 11 and we are not having sex" I said putting my crocs on

I'm a whole virgin out here. I never felt like anyone was trustworthy enough for me to give it to. My God father told me to only do it when I'm ready and don't just give it away because it's special

Plus I've never had a boyfriend...

I walked out my room then slowly down the stairs. All the lights were off so I knew nobody was down here. I slowly opened the door and sped walked to Uzi's car that was in my drive way.

"Wassup boo" Uzi said reaching over to give me a hug

"Hey" I said coughing a little

"Oh shit my bad I just smoked" he said rolling the windows down a little bit

"It's okay, thank you" I said as he passed me the Chick-fil-A bag

"You welcome. How was your day?" He asked me

He was staring at me with a little smile making me blush a little bit. I've known Uzi since like 5th grade and ever since we've been close.

He's always flirting and acts like he's my boyfriend but things are getting a little more serious because I started liking him too a while ago.

"It was okay. I did my school work then I went to work. How was yours?" I asked him

"It was Ard. Same old bullshit with my brother and shit but I'm cool" he said

His brother is well known but not for good reasons. He goes by 30 and he's always trying to get Uzi in some illegal shit. But Uzi's a good boy and he doesn't do that.

"You sure?" I asked

"I'm sure baby" he said giving me that sexy ass smile

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