I glanced at Jiang Cheng who was silently listening. His eyes was closed and was smiling a bit. He always has a stern face and always emits an arrogance and overconfident appearance, most people are afraid of him just because of it. But the person right in front of me... looks so gentle and harmless person.

I smiled.

I'm glad that I can relieve his stress.

"Thanks for playing. You really are good at playing guqin." he commented. My heart started to beat faster again. I put back my guqin in my qiankun sleeves.

I took a sip from the tea first and responded "You're welcome and thank you for the praise Sect Leader Jiang."

"Lan Shanli." he called with a serious tone.

"Hm?" I looked up at him. Did I offend him? or did I say something that I shouldn't say?

"We have known each other for years and we're just the same age so please call me by my name." he said and took a sip from hid tea. I got speechless for a moment. So... it was just because I called him 'Sect Leader Jiang'. I can feel my cheeks heating up. I nodded my head as a response.

"Okay... Jiang Wanyin." I responded but he suddenly choke from the tea he was drinking.

"Are you okay?" I asked, worriedly. I took my handkerchief from my inner robe and handed it to him but he just brushed my hands away and wiped his mouth with his sleeve instead.

"I-I'm okay and don't call me by that name again. Jiang Cheng is fine." he replied. I nodded my again. Now that I can remember, no one called him Jiang Wanyin before even though that was his courtesy name.

A moment of silence surrounded the pavilion library. None of us talked so I broke the silence instead.

"You came here to discuss something right?" I started.

He cleared his throat before replying. "Right, there was small village in Yunmeng and the people living there turned into fierce corpse for unknown reason. We need to investigate it first so my sect can't handle the Biling Lake as of now so I was hoping if you could handle it." he said. All of the people turned into fierce corpse? I've been living my life for 36 years but this is the first time I've heard of a whole village people turning into fierce corpse. I guess this is also the reason Jiang Cheng is stressed and tired. I didn't think that the cases in Yunmeng are more serious.

"Are there survivors?" I asked. If there's survivors then investigating the case will make it easier.

"There are. They're in Lotus Pier right now. You can visit them anytime, I'm not good at taking care of kids." he said.

"Kids? How old are they?" I asked.

"The older brother is just the same age as Jin Ling and his sister is 6 years old." he replied. The girl is too young. She must be traumatized but since their in Lotus Pier, they must be okay right now

"They were actually the one who came and told us about the what happened to their village." he added.

"So what did they say?"

"The older brother has a sharp hearing. Before the incident happened, he said that he heard a piercing sound of flute then their village suddenly got enveloped by a miasma that turned everyone in the village into fierce corpse. The siblings are lucky that they were able to escape the village" he explained. The first person that suddenly came in my mind was Wei Wuxian. But I know he won't do that. After Wei Wuxian's death 14 years ago, many people tried to cultivate demonic arts. They thought that they will get stronger if they cultivated demonic but no one still surpassed Wei Wuxian's demonic cultivation skills. But turning a whole villagers into fierce corpse... That's not something an average demonic cultivator can do. This person maybe has studied demonic arts for several years.

Love, Trauma, and Obsession (Jiang Cheng x OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu