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It had taken them twenty five years.

3 marriages.

3 divorces.

4 children.

2 movies.

A lot of longing.

A lot of love.

A lot of happy moments.

A lot of sad ones.

Some would say that the fact that it had taken them that long to get together meant it wasn't meant to be.

And yet...

And yet, in their hearts, Kate and Leo knew that wasn't the case at all.

They knew that it was quite the opposite, in fact.

Every single thing the universe had thrown at them, and, half their lives later, they were still there.

Still together.

Because that was how it was always supposed to be.

Because every time they looked at each other, at their family, they understood that nothing else made sense.

Because what they had, that spark that had started when they first met, was now stronger than ever before.

And they were sure, in the deepest places of their souls, that the love that they shared would never end.

They would make sure of it.

I really can't believe I finally finished this story. It took forever, but I had so much fun writing it, and I really like how it turned out.

Thank you all so so much for all your love and support, you truly are amazing and inspired me to keep writing. I truly hope you enjoyed reading this story and much as I loved writing it.

I love you all!! 💕

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