Chapter 6

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Avengers Facility 

'A pinch of paprika.' Vision muttered, reading the directions to some recipe. 'A pinch.' 

'Is that paprikash?' Wanda asked, walking in to the kitchen. 

'I thought it might lift your spirits.' Vision replied. 

Wanda chuckled, and walked over to the counter where Vision was standing. She grabbed the spoon, bringing it up to her lips to taste the food. 

'Spirits lifted.' She smiled. 

'In my defense, I haven't actually ever eaten anything before, so. . .' Vision rambled. 

'May I?' Wanda asked, interrupting his rambling. 


Vision watched as Wanda added different spices to the pot. 'Wanda?' 

'Hmm.' Wanda hummed.

'No one dislikes you, Wanda.' Vision said, out of the blue. 

Wanda made a confused face, but replied with a thanks. 

'Oh, you're welcome.' He said. 'No, it's a involuntary response in their amygdala. They can't help but be afraid of you.' 

'Are you?' 

'My amygdala is synthetic, so. . .' Vision trailed off, causing Wanda to laugh. 

'I used to think of myself one way.' Wanda said. 'But after this. . .' Wanda started, bringing her hand up to show the red magic swirling in her hand ' . . . I am something else. I'm still me, I think, but. . . that's not what everyone else sees.'

'Do you know, I don't know what this is?' Vision questioned. 'Not really. I know it's not of this world. . . that it powered Loki's staff, gave you and your brother your abilities, but. . . its true nature is a mystery. And yet, it is part of me.' 

'Are you afraid of it?' Wanda asked. 

'I wish to understand it.' Vision answered. 'The more I do, the less it controls me. One day. . . who knows? I may even control it.' 

'I don't know what's in this but it is not paprika.' Wanda said, changing the subject. 'I'm gonna go to the store. I'll be back in 20 minutes.' She informed moving out of the kitchen, but she was stopped by Vision, who moved in front of her. 

'Alternatively, we could order a pizza?' He asked. 

'Vision, are you not letting me leave?' Wanda questioned. 

'It is a question of safety.' Vision answered, avoiding her eyes. 

'Well, I can protect myself.' Wanda replied, beginning to walk, but Vision's arm stopped her. 

'Not yours.' Vision said. 'Mr. Stark would like to avoid the possibility of another public incident. Until the Accords are on a more secure foundation.' 

'And what do you want?' Wanda asked. 

'For people to see you. . . as I do.' 



Scarlett stared out the window of the car that was taking Steve, Pietro, Sam, T'Challa, and herself to a compound. 

'So, you like cats?' Sam asked, snapping Scarlett out of her daydream. 

'Sam.' Steve asked

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