Chapter 4

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Queens, New York

'Hey! Peter!' A young girl with blonde hair yelled to her friend. She was wearing a yellow long sleeved V-neck with bell bottoms. 

'Hi, Scar.' Peter greeted, taking out his headphones. 

'Mind if I walk home with you? We do live in the same complex.' Scar asked, adjusting the straps of her backpack. 

'No, of course you can.' Peter smiled, grabbing her hand to lead her towards their apartments. 

'What did you get on the Algebra test?' Scarlett asked fiddling with her fingers. A habit she picked up whenever she was nervous. 

'I got an A. You?' 

'I got one wrong, but I guess that's what I get for studying with Flash.' Scarlett shrugged. 

Peter furrowed his eyebrows, 'Why would you study with Flash? You know you could've studied with me and Ned.' 

'Flash kept begging me to study with him and of course I said no, but he said that If I did study with him, he would leave me alone for the rest of the week. So. . .' Scarlett said. 

'So how was it?' Peter asked. 

'Horrible.' Scarlett groaned, making Peter chuckle. 'All he did was talk about himself, while I tried to study. Flash is nice when he wants to be, but he's still an annoying asshole.' 

'At least you passed.' Peter said. 'You only missed one. That's not that bad.' 

'Yeah, I guess.' Scarlett grumbled. 

'Hey. Cheer up.' Peter said, nudging her arm. 'You could come over, and we can watch all your favorite movies and order pizza.' 

Scarlett gasped, 'You mean we can watch all the Harry Potter movies?' 

'I was hoping you would say Star Wars, but sure.' Peter smiled. 

'Yes!' Scarlett laughed. 

'Are you sure you want to watch Harry Potter? I mean, we already watched all of them last week.' Peter said. 

'Please. . .?' Scarlett asked, sticking her bottom lip out, and using her best puppy dog eyes that Peter knew he couldn't resist. 

'Fine.' Peter grumbled, trying to hide his smile. 

'Thank you!' Scarlett exclaimed, throwing her arm over Peter's shoulder. 

The elevator opened up to Scarlett and Peter's floor. They got out and said goodbye to each other. 

'I'll let you know when I can come over.' Scarlett informed, putting her earphones in. 

'Okay. Bye Scar.' Peter smiled. 

'By Pete.' Scarlett replied, walking to the door of her apartment. 

She started her music on her phone. 'Lovely Day' by Bill Withers, played through her headphones. She unlocked her door to her apartment, slightly swaying to the music. She walked into her apartment, setting the keys down on the counter beside the door. She walked through the hallways of her little house, not noticing three figures sitting on her couch. 

She walked into her kitchen to make a snack. If she wasn't that hungry, she would just make herself a plate of fruit, but she didn't have any lunch that day so she made herself a turkey sandwich. 

Since her back was turned towards her living room, she didn't the notice the figures starting to stand up from her couch. One of the figures moved his foot, causing the floor to creak. Scarlett quickly levitated a knife to his face, leaving only an inch separating the knife and the man. 

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