Chapter 1

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In the snowy mountains of the Hydra headquarters, held a man that they experimented on. He had long brown hair and a metal arm. Some knew him as Bucky Barnes, but most people knew him as the Winter Soldier. The man who killed people for Hydra. 

In the Headquarters, you could hear his screaming as Hydra tested on him. His screams of pain and agony could make anyone pity him, but most people believed he deserved it. 

'Longing. . .Rusted. . . Seventeen. . . Daybreak. . . Furnace. . . Nine. . . Benign. . . Homecoming. . . One. . . Freight car. . .' A man apart of Hydra said in Russian. 

'Good morning, Soldier.' He said. 

'Ready to comply.' The Winter Soldier said in Russian. 

'I have a mission for you. Sanction and extract. No witnesses.' The man said. 

It was now nighttime and The Winter Soldier was hiding in the forest, waiting to finish his mission. He saw the car pass by, and started his motorcycle to follow them. He sped up his motorcycle next to the car, and hit it making them swerve their car and crash into a tree. 

He stopped his motorcycle, and slowly walked towards the car that was slightly on fire. He opened up the trunk and opened up one of the briefcases. Inside, were four blue bags inside. 

'Well done Soldier.' The same man said, when he got back to the headquarters. 


Lagos, Nigera. Present Day. 

'All right, what do you see?' Steve said, on his radio. The Avengers, Wanda, Natasha, Pietro, Sam, and Steve were on a mission to stop Crossbones or Rumlow. 

'Standard beat cops. Small station. Quiet street. It's a good target.' Wanda answered, in her thick Sokovian accent. 

'There's an ATM on the south corner, which means?' Steve asked, questioning the twins, who were still knew to this Avenger stuff. 

'Cameras.' Wanda said. 

'Both cross streets are one-way.' 

'So, compromised escape routes.' Pietro said. 

'Means our guy doesn't care about being seen. He isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out.' Steve said.

'You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?' He questioned. 

'Yeah, the red one? It's cute.' Pietro commented. 

'It's also bulletproof, which means private security. . . which means more guns. . . which means more headaches for somebody. Probably us.' Natasha's muffled voice said on the radio. 

'You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?' Wanda asked, which made Pietro lightly chuckle. 

'Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature.' Natasha instructed. 

'Anybody ever tell you you're a little paranoid?' Sam asked, walking on the roof of some building. 

'Not to my face. Why? Did you hear something?' Natasha questioned. 

'Eyes on target, folks.' Steve interrupted. 'This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in six months. I don't want to lose him.'

Sam scoffed, 'If he sees us coming, that won't be a problem. He kind of hates us.' 

'Sam. . . see that garbage truck? Tag it.' Steve demanded. 

One of Sam's Redwing came out and flew over to the garbage truck, placing itself under the truck.

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