𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒻𝒾𝓋𝑒

Start from the beginning

"What do you want me to do father?" questioned Raymond.

"If Sammy and his girlfriend are stupid enough to try and intefere, which they are," Azazel said "I will need someone guarding the girl's necklace, go my son and wait for them," Azazel finished. Even though Raymond wasn't too pleased that he was left out of the fun while Meg went after the family, he had obeyed and went to the jewelry store and waited for the right time to strike. He didn't know how long he waited there just twirling Dean's knife in his hand but eventually he spotted Sam and Kristina entering the store.

"Of course it's pitch black, having the lights on would be too easy," Kristina commented as she looked around the dark room. Surprisingly her eyes adjusted quickly and she could see everything, including an uninvited guest. "Sam turn the lights on," Kristina said as she was able to see Raymond. The second the lights flickered on, Sam could see him as well.

"I should have known you'd be here, Raymond," Sam said.

"Hiya Sammy, fancy meeting you here," Raymond replied using Dean's voice.

"Ugh don't say that, I didn't think my opinion of you could get any lower but it just did," Kristina said.

"Kristina, go find the necklace, I'll deal with him," Sam said bravely.

"Be careful," Kristina responded running off towards the glass counter to see if she could spot the necklace.

"Not so fast hot head," Raymond said as he made the glass explode throughout the store. Sam and Kristina flew in different directions landing on opposite sides of the store. Keeping a grip on Dean's dagger he made his way over to Kristina. "Last time we talked I had you pinned against the wall,"

"More like it was your devil breath!" Kristina yelled in his face.

"You talk too much!" Raymond exclaimed. "But not for much longer," Raymond flipped the knife where he was holding the handle with the blade pointed down. He raised the knife into the air and as he was about to stab Kristina, Sam got up and ran at Raymond tackling him onto the floor.

"Don't touch her!" Sam yelled. Raymond pushed Sam off him and laughed as he got back on his feet.

"The mighty Sam Winchester being lovesick about a girl, how disappointing," Raymond mocked while this was happening Kristina saw her chance to search for the necklace.

"Get out of my brother you asshole," Says Sam. "Dean if you can hear me you can fight through it, fight for control!"

"Sorry Sammy but your brother can't come to the phone right now, looks like you're stuck with me," Raymond declared. Annoyed, and angry, Sam pulled out the holy water and sprayed Raymond with it. He cried out knowing how painful the water had been. Sam tripped Raymond causing him to fall on his back. Sam got on his stomach and pinned Raymond's arms to the floor as Sam began to recite the exorcism chant.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus..." Sam began as Raymond's eyes go black, he began to growl trying to break free from Sam's grip. "Omnis satanica potestas," it only worked briefly as the demon began to laugh evilly causing Sam to be caught off guard.

"Oh do it again that tickles," Raymond mocked and jumped on Sam grabbing him by the throat. Sam struggled to breathe as he was trying to break free from the demon's grip, Sam was shocked that the demon couldn't be exorcised until he noticed the necklace Raymond had begun to choke Sam tighter. "You know, if you hunters were smart you would know that we've learned ways around your stupid exorcism chant," he continued as he pinned Sam against the wall. "I would kill you but I'm under orders not to hurt Lucifer's vessel," Raymond was then caught off guard by something heavy being thrown at his back causing him to fall and release Sam.

"Put him down!" Kristina yelled she had no idea how she had thrown a safe door at him but she wasn't complaining. Raymond growled and turned to see that Kristina had found the necklace.

"I see you've gotten stronger since the last time my father came after you," Says Raymond. "You were a weak minded little bitch,"

"Oh please I live with Dean Winchester, I've been called worse," she declared and with the blink of an eye she ran at Raymond now wearing Shela's necklace. Raymond stumbled back in surprise, he hadn't expected Kristina to get so fast especially with her new powers it was like she was getting stronger.

"You really think you can stop us? My sister is going after your family as we speak," Raymond said trying to get under Kristina's skin. She visibly flinched at those words but didn't believe a word he said.

"Why should I trust anything you say? You black eyed son of a bitch," Kristina growled.

"Don't believe me, why don't you come by the abandoned factory in downtown Raleigh," Says Raymond. "In twenty-four hours or they're dead," Sam was about to attack Raymond when he snapped his fingers and quickly disappeared.

"Damn it!" Sam said as he turned to Kristina. "Kristina? Are you okay?" She didn't answer him, she was too concerned about the possibility of losing her family. Later when the two had returned to the bunker, Kristina was still silent and Sam was worried because she was never this quiet. "Kristina, if that demon said something about your family, don't go," Sam continued. "It's a trap, a way to destroy the prophecy," Before Kristina could say anything Castiel had appeared in the bunker.

"Kristina, Sam," Castiel said. "I heard about what happened, we have to talk,"

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