Return of the Urarakas

Start from the beginning

"My response entirely depends on if you will be angry if I say yes."

"No, I'm going to be extremely happy if you did."

"Then yes, we're expecting a girl." The Urarakas came in to hug their daughter as well as pat Izuku on the back in congratulations while everyone looked upon the towering woman unsure what was happening.

"I guess a bit of introduction is in order." The three bowed before saying who they were. "My name is Tousa Uraraka. It's an honor to meet my daughter's classmates."

"Great, another fucking gargantuan woman with a fucking fox quir-" Bakugou was cut off again by a massive Naginata cutting the couch he is on in half.. Everyone turned to see Tousa with the blade in her hands causing them to go pale.

"I'm sorry, where are my manners? It appears that my hand had slipped. Now would you mind politely telling me who you are young man. It's rather rude to address a lady of nobility, no less, as something like that."

'Guess this is where she gets her attitude for edicate and sadistic nature from.' Everyone thought this as Tousa put the massive blade in her kimono as if it disappeared

"Oh yeah, TLDR she can pull any weapon out of nowhere. I don't even know where she gets them from." Ochako says nonchalantly. "Shrine maidens are also warrior brides, she taught me everything I know."

"Just what is your family!? Yakuza!?" Everyone shouted in fear of the answer.

"Oh, young ones, We're Samurai not some dishonorable backalley hoodlums. Speaking of, I believe I now know where they picked up that platinum blonde fellow from." She says, causing Todoroki to spit, take his tea and start laughing and coughing.

"So late introductions aside. The two on my right are my parents. We own a shrine in the forest where we live. My mom's a shrine caretaker like me and my dad is a college professor."

"The woman over here is my mother and works at a local clinic near our house."

Todoroki walked up to Inko with a calm expression. "It's nice to meet you mam."

"T-thank you. I hope you're a nice friend to my Izuku." Inko was a little uneasy as the young teenager wasn't anything she'd expect from how he's acted up to now from what she's seen.

"Wait, so why are both of your parents here?" Kirishima asked, with Ochako's father getting the chance to speak.

"We were told by principal Nexu that there was a reason Ochako didn't participate in the Sports Festival this year and that we'd understand when we'd get her to see. I honestly didn't expect it to have anything to do with her having a baby, but I couldn't be happier as her father to see my baby girl happy." He let a small tear out while hugging Ochako again for her to enjoy the affection from her family.

"So how far along are you sweetheart?" Inko asked for the fox girl to answer.

"If I remember correctly, I'm close to the three week mark. Would you like to feel your grandbaby mom?"

"I don't understand?" Ochako placed Inko's hand on her stomach for her to feel the bump on her. "Wait, how are you showing signs-"

"Our pregnancies are more similar to foxes Mrs. Midoriya. So she's closer to about three months at the moment. For us to come to term with a baby it's only about 9 weeks or so." Tousa said to make Inko smile a bit.

"That makes me even more excited. That means I can see my grandbaby sooner." Everyone smiled before seeing Mineta come in mauled with Kitsu still biting his head.

"I...I think....I think I need...blo-" He couldn't even finish before collapsing to the ground in pain. Kitsu then noticed Inko to let go and run towards her to try jumping into her arms.

"Seems somebody missed you." Izuku said looking at his mother pick up the small fox and smile.

"Hello Kitsu. I hope you've been a good bo-OH MY GOD! IT'S A GIANT FOX!" Inko says while seeing Tiny reading a book.

He places his book away before getting up. "Since this is our first formal meeting. It is an honor to meet the young master's side of the family. My name is Tiny, Mrs. Midoriya. I am sworn to the protection of the Uraraka family and now yours." The giant fox gave a bow to make everyone rather impressed with how noble he is.

"I-it's no big deal. I-it's nice to meet you Mr. Tiny."

"Just Tiny is alright mam. There is no need for formalities."

"O-ok T-Tiny." Everyone laughed while the group began talking of the past behind Ochako and Izuku to understand how Tiny obtained his name.

"Mind explaining how you got the name tiny?"

"When I was little and raising Tiny, he was a cute boy that was a runt of the litter for his family. Kinda like Kitsu. So as such, I named him Tiny. I didn't know though that he had a quirk until one day I woke up to see Tiny well...not so tiny anymore. Not only is he very strong, he's extremely intelligent. He's scored an IQ of 190 on 3 different tests. He also has a taste for expensive teas and fine wines, especially rice wine." Ochako said while her parents showed pictures of Tiny's adolescence.

As hours passed with several foxes enjoying having the current heads in the room and sleeping on Todoroki's left side as he raised the temperature to a desired heat for them, the three unfortunately had to call it a day.

"Goodbye you two. Make sure you tell us when the baby is close to due." Tousa said with Izuku having a pat on the back from Maruki.

"Take care Izuku. Also make sure to treat my daughter and your future baby with love and care."

"You can count on me sir." Izuku smiled at the man for him to ruffle his hair.

"That's the way kid. Spoken like a true man with convictions. I'll be sure to send you some nice scotch soon." The group left to have everyone begin heading back inside and notice the foxes relieving themselves on Mineta's still breathing carcass that even the authors are questioning what it takes to kill this guy and half admire his resilience with the other half wanting him to just die to be done and over with him.

"Your parents seem nice, you two." Jirou said while smiling at the young married couple.

"Thanks." They answered in unison as they watched Tiny shovel Mineta into the bathroom so they wouldn't smell fox pee wherever he went.

"Still wish he'd be gone by now."

"You and me both Ochako. At least he'll be gone soon so our baby doesn't deal with him." Izuku stated while Ochako placed his hand back on her belly to rub where the baby was.

"That reminds me, how will this work for you two?" Yaoyorozu asks with the class one by one, realizing what she meant. "I'm certain you both will try your best, but the first few months will be the most difficult for the both of you. Especially with school."

Izuku thought about this before looking at Ochako who was still rather unphased by this. "It's ok Yaomomo. Everything will work out in due time. We just need to take this one step at a time and try our best." Ochako said this before a gurgle was heard from her. She stopped to start running into the restroom to have herself throw up in the toilet.

Bakugou eventually reemerged from the top of the dorms seeing none of the parents. "Good. No more fucking loser parents here-"

"DO NOT INSULT LORD AND LADY INARI IN SUCH A WAY!" Tiny punched Bakugou so hard, a large thud was heard. He realized what he did to recompose himself. "My apologies, I had lost my temper."

Nobody dared to fight him on this as they were once again reminded of how you should never piss off Tiny no matter what.

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku and Ochako manage their relationship next time with them expecting a baby in less than two months. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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