Scary: Humans can lick too

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This story has been repeated a lot throughout many weird, horror stories. If you haven't heard of it, here it is.
Drip... Drip... Drip...

I woke up to the sound of something dripping. I opened one eye to the darkness and looked over at my clock. It was 2 am. What the heck? It's still the middle of the night!

Groaning, I swung my feet to the side of my bed. Instead of my feet landing flat on the ground, I stepped on something and it made a surprised whimpering sound. I immediately lifted my foot and felt extremely bad, like my heart was pierced by a nail.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry, Maxy! I didn't mean to step on your tail!" I said, hoping he would forgive me. I saw a silhouette of him retreat under my bed. I frowned and let him be. I quietly made my way to my bathroom and turned the knobs. It was already closed up tight. Huh.

I went back to my room and lay down, dropping my hand on the side of my bed. I felt Maxy lick my hand. "I'm sorry again, boy."

I tried to go back to sleep but that dripping noise didn't stop.

Drip... Drip... Drip...

Once again, groaning louder this time, I got up and just tightened all the faucet knobs in my apartment. For certain, I know all of them are closed now, so I made my way back to bed, not expecting another drip. I let my hand drop to the side of my bed. Maxy licked my hand again and I relaxed, hoping that the dripping noise was gone.

Drip... Drip.... Drip....

Nope. Still there.

I closed my eyes and listened hard, wanted to get this over with. I walked toward the sound, feeling the cold wood under my feet as I walked.

Drip... Drip... Drip...

I found myself standing in front of my closet. Why would there be something dripping in my closet?

Slowly, I opened it. But I couldn't see anything from the darkness. I flipped up the switch and my closet light buzzed alive to reveal my dog, Maxy, hanging from the ceiling by a rope around its neck. His mouth was forced open all the way with his tongue protruding out, eyes missing, and his intestines hung down under him, dripping blood on the floor. Oh god... the blood... There was so much...

Before blacking out, I remember seeing a note attached to Maxy with words written in blood: Humans can lick too.

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