Marlene? - no she was definitely gay
Dorcas? - no also gay and probably dating Marlene
Lily? - no she definitely had the hots for Prongs
Mary? - no i'm pretty sure she and Peter have a thing

Sirius felt a determination to find the mystery person, I mean he had to let them down gently. You see, his heart belonged to one man and one man only,  Remus Lupin. The way Remus tucked his shaggy hair behind his ears and always wore oversized jumpers made Sirius fall harder and harder. Sirius knew (or at least thought) Remus was straight, so he assumed nothing would ever happen. However, he still loved Remus so much! No one, especially no girl, could ever change that! So Sirius did what he probably should have done from the start, he wrote back...

Dear mystery person

I was certainly surprised to receive your letter. I never expected anyone to feel so strongly about me and I was definitely flattered. But I have to say I'm in love with someone else and my heart belongs completely to them. I hope there are no hard feelings.

Sirius black

Sirius compared the handwriting of the two letters and laughed at how much messier his was, but he sealed the letter nonetheless and headed to the owlery. When there, he located the owl that had delivered the first letter to him and passed the letter to it. "Go find whoever sent me the letter ok?" He felt content as the owl flew off, yet he so badly wanted to know who it was he was sending the letter to.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Remus had been in a bit of a state ever since he sent the first letter off. Worried, he had tried to distract himself with homework and reading, but nothing seemed to be working. He was sitting at his desk fidgeting with a rubber band, when he heard a tapping at the window. He turned around and saw a letter in the owl's beak. He put his hand out and the owl dropped the parchment. Remus chucked the bird a treat before it flew off and sat down to read the letter.

'Yep, that's definitely his handwriting' Remus thought while trying to convince himself to open the envelope, 'Just do it!' Trying not to put too much thought into it, he ripped it open and began reading, before he had a chance to change his mind.

Reading that Sirius had a crush hurt Remus to his core.  Although he had accepted that nothing would happen, he always hoped something could. Tears ran down his cheeks, as he held the letter to his chest, wanting to scream! He'd expected Sirius to reject the mysterious writer, but not for him to have another crush! 'Whatever' he thought, 'Sirius can love whoever he wants!' Remus told himself, clearly not meaning a word of it. He tossed Sirius' letter in the fire as he left the room, he never wanted to see it again!

Before he knew it Remus found himself at the top of the astronomy tower. Having sat down, he leaned against the railing. Lonely, he watched as people bustled happily below, a direct contrast to the deep sadness he was feeling. He felt like someone had taken a sledgehammer to his heart, and yet it was no one's fault but his own. He wasn't sure why, but he felt compelled to write back to Sirius even if he expected to be ignored. So he took out a quill and some parchment and got to writing...

Sirius black,
I have to say I'm not exactly sure why I'm writing back. Your letter certainly didn't need a reply but I felt obliged to.  Although I am disappointed, I understand and respect your decision; I mean you don't even know who I am for Merlin's sake! I know you'll make whoever it is very happy, and I'm glad to know I have a friend in you.

Once the letter was sent, Remus sat anxiously in his dorm waiting for a response. He tapped his leg and pulled at his sleeves to try and keep calm. He was really nervous, despite expecting either nothing or a letter that simply read 'fuck off'... but that couldn't stop him hoping.

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