A guy sat on top of a tree next to the wolf castle, looking utterly bored by the entire event.

"Um I think I dropped my bracelet over there. But you go on ahead and get us a table before they're all taken, I'll just be five minutes, I promise," she frowns but nods anyway and continues on.

I watch her until she enters the castle and then sprint over to the boy on top of the tree.

"What's your name?" I call up to him.

He seems surprised and not at all amused with my presence.

"Xavier," he replied curtly making me bristle where I stand.

Why is he so angry?

"You know... if that tree branch breaks you could die right?"

This time he let's out an amused chuckle before replying," I'm less then six feet off the ground sweetheart, I think I'll live."

"Well yes, you might, but you could still injure yourself... Why aren't you inside enjoying the party anyway?"

"It's boring."

"Yes and sitting in a tree is much more entertaining.." I laugh.

"Who are you?" He questioned suddenly, inspecting me silently.

I shift my weight slightly from my left leg to my right nervously,"Valentina, anyways.. I am obviously not wanted here so try not to fall off and die ok? I'll be inside!"

I turn to run inside and find Samantha but he's suddenly on the ground in front of me.

"Woah there Spider-Man-"

"You're not from here are you?"

"No, I'm here with my friend. She's swooning over a prince she hasn't even met yet," I roll my eyes, crossing my arms self consciously.

"Whats her name?"

"Samantha, do you know her?"

"No,well yes but I'm not very social. I don't feel the need to make friends," he furrows his brow before stuffing his hands into his front pockets.

"Ahh, anti social huh? Yeah me too."

He looks up at me then his eyes twinkling with amusement,"you're joking right? You are probably the farthest from anti social."

"Eh, I try to get to know people, but only the people I can't read."

"What do you mean?" He asked following me as I make my way to the castle doors.

"I mean, most people are just too easy to read and those people bore me way too easily. I like making friends with people who... are unpredictable."

"So I'm unpredictable?"

"Not anymore," I smirk cockily.

"Excuse me?"

"You looked like a mystery from far away but now I realize you are way too easy to read."

"You're wrong you know."

"Oh really? Let me see... you're a bad boy who enjoys reading and writing. You like to disobey your parents, and you keep yourself far away from society because you want them to believe you're a mystery. When in reality you're just... troubled. Though I don't know why you're troubled." He gapes at me and I grin before attempting to escape inside.

His hand grips my shoulder swiftly making me turn to face him.

"Do you want to be friends?" He asked seriously.

This time my eyes widen in surprise,"sure. I've never been friends with someone I could read as easily as I can you but, hey why not? I'm not entirely bored with you."

He gives me a crooked smile before sprinting back to his tree and leaping back on to the tree branch. He waves at me from where he's perched and I can't help but laugh.

Me Samantha and Xavier hung out every weekend since then. Until I was forced to become a rogue.

The memory of how we became friends brought tears to my eyes. They stung but I ignored them and turned slipping out the door as quietly as I possibly could. He looked so peacefully while he rested I honestly wish him the best.

Ignoring the annoying pitter patter of the rain on the window i didn't bother pulling on a coat or anything as I was going to run in wolf form once I made it outside anyway. Guilt clutched me once I was outside in wolf form, the years streaming down my face.

I ran and I ran until I collapsed from exhaustion. I never expected it to be so easy to escape and honestly the fact that it was so easy made me bristle with rage at myself. Where had the courageous rogue been the whole time I was in that house?

It doesn't matter now, I thought as I rested my head on my paws my eyes drooping closed.

I'm free now.

Her Time (Sequel to 'The Rogue And Her Alpha')Where stories live. Discover now