Chapter 5 : I'm Not A Girl ....... Not Yet A Woman

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I hadn’t quite managed to get away from the mirror and no it wasn’t because I was being vain, rather because I was a girl and this was no dream. The growing redness on my forearm was proof of that. Vas happenin indeed !

 I sighed sadly, raking my hands through my knotty red hair, drinking in my surroundings.

 Her room was painted a light shade of purple with a bed and table with a computer on either side of the room. On her walls were posters of various bands, none of them were of One Direction, I noticed. Oh but of course there was a poster of The Wanted; geeks ! She seemed to be infatuated with the Hunger Games, rather the boy; I couldn’t be bothered with his name, as a portion of her wall was dedicated to him.

Girls, I thought with a smirk.

 The smell of pancakes wafted sneakily into the room, interrupting my ongoing heart attack and my stomach grumbled hungrily in response. I was ravenous. Glancing quickly around the room I threw on the first things I saw which was a navy blue tank top and I decided to leave on the boxer shorts she had on because I was too hungry to give a damn. It was ninja time ! Besides I couldn’t stay in there forever.

 Head up, back straight, hair tucked into a messy bun, hehe - I turned the door knob slowly glancing left and right, thankful to find the hall way clear before I ventured out into the wilderness. I felt so gangster like a men-in-black agent; Woot woot. Alright maybe I’m exaggerating just a tad bit, but can you blame me ?!

The carpeted floor in the hall way made it easier to creep downstairs without detection, but the sound of laughter emanating from the kitchen told me that wouldn’t be for long. I groaned, while my tummy grumbled.

 ‘Mia?’ a pixie-like voice called out from behind me.

Shoot. Shoot. Shoot.

Helloooo! has old age gotten to you already?!” she started again, more annoyingly.

Score. My name’s Mia ! and thankfully I have experience with annoying little sisters. Plastering what I hoped was an evil smile, I turned around replying, "I'd challenge you to a battle of wits, but I see you are unarmed." (William Shakespeare)

What?! I swear you get weirder every day” she said walking away.

Crisis one averted.

 As I entered the kitchen I tried to carry on being ninja but alas all good things come to an end.

“Morning sweetheart” a cheery voice called out to me.


Before me stood a tall, black haired, hazel eyed beauty, so I did the only thing a normal guy would do or should I say, the normal thing I would do.

“The only thing sweet here is you babe, vas happenin” I said with a wink.

“I beg your pardon?” she replied in mock horror before she burst into laughter. “Mia, are you alright?

Bloody hell what did I just do.

Dammit Zayn.

Perrie !

And I’m a girl ! 

Honestly it shouldn't be that hard to remember, i'm wearing a bra ! 

Oh yeah I’m fine” I muttered, waving my hand.

It's not like I’m a British popstar who woke up in your daughter’s body and just tried to hit on you.

I was just um .. " I fumbled, " - practicing for the um school play I’m a part of” I stammered as I felt my cheeks grow warm.

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