Chapter Nine

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Colby looked between Mark and Amy and he saw how Amy had been staring at Mark as if she were truly in love with him. Sam and Colby looked at each other with a worried expression thinking that their plan for an arranged marriage was going out the door. Colby didn't know what to do as both Mark and Sean were dressed in formal way. They took their seats at the table, Mark had been sitting across from Colby who would not stop staring at him. Amy cleared her throat as she was trying to keep it together.

"So, Colby, I've been thinking about something," Amy said.

"And?" said Colby wondering where the princess was going with this.

"I'm going to take Mark on a tour of the kingdom tomorrow," she says. "Get him used to our kingdom," she continued. "I also wanted to get to know him a little more,"

"And how are you able to do that when he can't talk!" Colby said astonished.

"We don't have to talk, I just want to show him the kingdom," Amy responded as the chef came in with food on a tray. He sat it in front of Mark and Sean, Louis glared at Sean knowing that he had gone into the kitchen without permission. Louis handed out the plates of food then left the group to their business. Mark had been famished he hadn't remembered a time when he hadn't eaten and wondered what the human food was like. The group began eating, though Mark had been looking at Amy wishing he could tell her how he felt. However, he knew that Amy had to fall in love with him and she had to love him. Mark knew that Amy hated it when someone continued to hit on her. That entire evening at dinner, Colby tried to hit on Amy, though each time he looked over at Mark it seemed that Colby continued to resent him. After dinner, everyone retired to their rooms except for Amy who had been standing out by the beach.

Mark sighed and walked over to the balcony to watch Amy. She hadn't paid attention to him he watched as she sat on a rock and started sketching in her sketchbook. A smile crept on Mark's face as he continued watching, though sometimes he couldn't help himself but look out at the sea where he knew Antlantica was located. He admitted that he missed being in the ocean but there wasn't much more he could do considering he had already made the deal with the sea witch. Sean had been exhausted from watching Mark all day and made his way to Mark's room. The first day had gone and now Mark only had two days left, Sean stepped through doors and saw Mark had been standing outside.

"Mark?" Sean said as he walked out to talk to him. "Everything okay?" Mark looked over at Sean and nodded his head. "You know, that while you were annoying when it came to talking, now that your silent I kind of miss that," Mark glared at Sean as he rolled his eyes, he knew what Sean had been trying to do, but nothing seemed to be working. He placed a hand on Sean's shoulder then walked off the balcony making his way back into his temporary bedroom. He made his way over to the bed since the servants had already helped him get dressed for the night.

"Mark, we need to be reasonable," Sean said. "Tomorrow, when the princess takes you on a tour of the kingdom you must find a way to get her to fall in love with you," Mark ignored Sean as he took a seat on the bed which was something he hadn't done before, he laid down on the bed and pulled the blanket up to his neck. "When you go on that tour you do everything you can to impress Amy once she's impressed you make the first move and kiss her," he was about to finish when he looked over and saw Mark had fallen asleep. Sean smiled, he decided to leave Mark alone and walk out of the room. Though the minute he walked out of the room he heard Colby talking to Sam. Wondering what he had been up to, Sean walked toward what had to be Sam's room and listened from outside the door.

"Sam, what the hell am I supposed to do?" Colby questioned. "Ever since that man and his lowly servant showed up, he's all Amy can think about,"

"Man, I feel like you should probably give up on Amy," responds Sam as he was sitting at a strange machine and writing something on it. "It's already been made clear that she's in love with this man,"

"We've had that arranged marriage since we were twelve!" Colby exclaimed. "Why is she changing it now?!"

"Because she's grown up," says Sam. "I may be her little brother, but I can tell when she wants to be happy," he continued. "besides, maybe he's not so bad, what are you so scared about?"

"Well for one, Mark is good looking," Colby said, "For another, he's strong!"

"What's the third thing?" Sam asked.

"He came out of nowhere!" Colby yelled. "Please explain to me how a man and his servant wash ashore from a shipwreck but there are no signs of debris anywhere!"

"Maybe the debris had already sank to the bottom of the ocean?" Sam said. "Colby I would love to continue discussing this with you, but I have some royal studies I need to do,"

"Okay, fine," Colby turned and began making his way out of the room. Sean backed away from the door and hid in the nearest closet he could find. Colby walked out of the room and slammed Sam's door shut, he walked by the closet Sean had been hiding in and stopped briefly. He looked over at the closet and started making his way over to it. Sean's stomach dropped as he covered his mouth for fear that breathing would give him away. As Colby was about to open the door, he stopped and shook his head. Turning on his heels he began walking away and grumbled to himself. "I'll find a way to tear those two apart if it's the last thing I do,"

Sean stepped out from the closet after he had heard everything Colby said. This time however, he was more determined than ever to actually get Mark and Amy to fall in love. If they were to get Mark's soul back whatever Colby did, Sean would combat it by making things better for the couple. When Amy and Mark fell in love, he would rub it in Colby's face that she didn't love or care about him.

"You think it'll be that easy?" Sean said to himself. "Good luck with that Colby,"

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