~First Day~

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I woke up the next morning of a loud bang. I fell out of my bed and right onto the hard, cold floor. I quickly grabbed my wand and got up and pointed it towards the window where the sound came from. There was a big whole in our window so I slowly walked over to check. I got a glimpse of some red hair and I put my wand down again. "Fred, George!" I yelled and opened the window and looked down at them as they were hiding right below the window. They flew up in front of the window and looked at me for a second before they started yelling at each other: "I told you to stay quiet!" one shouted. "And I told you not to breathe so loud!" the other shouted back. "Uhm actually, it was your hair I noticed. Not your...breathing," I mumbled looking at them. "Must've been George. He's got such a big head," Fred said. "I do not!" George yelled and almost pushed Fred off of his broom. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my clothes before I walked to the bathroom to get changed.

Hermione and I headed to class and picked a couple of seats in front of the room. I looked around wondering where our professor was. I hummed to myself and looked back on my desk, seeing a potions book. "I've heard that Professor Snape is very strict and that he's not a fan of Gryffindors," Hermione said looking at me. "I saw him out in the hall earlier, he even looks terrifying," Ron said. He was jumping into our conversation, sitting at the desk behind us, along with Harry. Then the door in the back of the classroom was shut loudly. Professor Snape walked up to his desk slowly.

"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few..," he said, keeping his eyes ahead. "Who possesses the predisposition... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death. I am Professor Snape, during class you will not speak unless addressed to do so. You will keep your eyes forward at all times. If I hear or see anything out of the ordinary, you will be sent directly to Dumbledore. Do I make myself clear?" Snape drawled, eying the Gryffindors.

"Yes sir," chorused around the class as some students just nodded silently. "I'd expect so," he snarled. "Today we will be brewing a simple potion: "The Draught of Peace" everyone get out your textbooks. You will partner with those closest to you in groups of two or three. I will come around to assign partners. When you come to collect ingredients, you will all share one cauldron and one student from each group will walk here to retrieve what they need," he said pointedly.

He then walked around the class, partnering students. Finally he got to me. It was like he totally was ignoring me. It almost looked like he had something to tell me but couldn't.  "Professor Snape," I nodded to him with a straight face I made sure to carry. "Tell me, will I be expecting any incompetence from you as I saw with your siblings," he asked with a twisted face. "Your judgement of my siblings is obviously flawed. However, I assure you that I hold skill in potion making and that I will continue to build no matter what you think of me," I said to him, trying to remain professional.

"You two," he said pointing at Hermione and Ron. "And you two," he pointed at Harry and Neville. "What about Cora?" Hermione asked, with slight anger in her eyes. "Well, if Ms. West is so astute at potion making, I'm sure she can do it alone," he said with a sickly smile. "Gladly," I said coldly, slamming open my potions book. Finally, Snape left and I got to work. I mumbled severe profanities under my breath as he walked away. "You okay?," Ron asked quietly. "Peachy," I snarled, glaring at Snape's greasy black mop on his head. "Hey, relax. You'll do great," he said smiling and looked at me. I sighed slightly. "Thanks Ron," I smiled. "No problem."

I got up to get the ingredients, then began reading the textbook.
"To brew the Draught of Peace, follow these steps :

A Weasley Love Story: Year 1Where stories live. Discover now