Chapter 3

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let me say sum before i continue this-

sorry about being so late on the writing, i had to device to write/type on, but when i got a laptop i didnt have the motivation to write, but now i'll try to update this more, as much as i can so hope somebody enjoys this lol)

Mineta looks up from his phone and turns it off, "Oh hey guys"

"Like we're saying hi to you." Dora said, with a disgusted face. 

"K." Mineta went into a the bathroom stall all the way at the end of the bathroom, he grabbed a stool so he could sit comfortably and then locked the door.

"Why is he as small as an ant" Diego said as he watched him close the stall.

"Who knows."

Swiper ran into the bathroom, panting with a hand on his knee, "Mineta-" He slowly looked up, and to his surprise, it wasn't Mineta. Instead-

"Oh hey, Diego, Dora." He said, trying to make a smile.

"Yeah whatever just hey dora me, that's okay." She said, in a pissed off tone.

"Are you still mad about what happened yesterday?"

"Well duh, what you said about Trump was pretty fucked up. Stop trying to ruin our relationship dumbass."

Swiper clenched his fists, he could feel the anger rushing through him, he tried to calm it but it got worse as she spoke, he could feel the sweat fall down from his cheek.

Diego looks at him with a concerned face, "Bitch you good?"

Swiper looked up and released his fist, wiping his face. "Yeah, sure."

"Well we're going to go." Dora put her vape in his hands as she walked out the bathroom, Diego followed after put just threw it on the floor.

Swiper threw away the Vape and left.

Mineta walked out the stall, "Swiper I'm done."




He washes his hands and goes back on his phone, walking out the bathroom.

~~With trump~~

Trump panicks looking through his giftcards to find a good restaurant. He decides to call Mineta to help him, but of course, Mineta is on his phone.






"Look on google or something"




Mineta was already at the giftcards after the, 'hook you' part. "How about this?" He showed Trump a (insert Mexican restaurant here) card. 

"Thats perfect! He snatched the card out of Mineta's hands. 

"Our deal?"

"Later" Trump ran off

~~at swipers~~

"I need to stop Dora from going on that date.." He paced around his room, thinking. "I need help from somebody though..

"From somebody like me?" Patrick asked, outside the window.

Swiper turned around and looked at Patrick, he walked up to the window. "Why the HELL are you SPYING on me like a CREEP?!"

"I'm not spying" He replied "I'm just watching you."


"I don't know."

"Wait actually.." Swiper thought for a moment, "You can help me Patrick.."

Patrick gasped, "I can?!"

"Yes, you can.."

~~~With Dora~~~ 

Dora was painting her nails red when suddenly she got a call. She looked over at her phone to see who was calling her so late and turns out it was Trump. She put down the nail polish and carefully grabs the phone to answer the call.

"Hey Trump."

"Hey Dora. Tomorrow you free to go on a date with me?"

"Oh sure, where to?"

"A surprise."

"O-" A drop of nailpolish goes on the phone. "Fuck"

"What is it, do you have something else to do..?"

"No it's nothing."

"Wait I'm getting another call."

"okay bye"

Trump ends the call with Dora to see who was calling him, it was an unknown number. He answered the call and a familiar voice came through.

Donald Trump x Dora (The forbidden love)Where stories live. Discover now