Chapter 1 Waking Up

Start from the beginning

"Oh, Asagi," the woman noticed him from the kitchen. "What are you doing there? Stop dilly-dallying and wash your face. If you're not getting ready now, you're going to be late for school."

"Huh?" Asagi blinked, a bit startled when the woman reprimanded him.

"Don't huh me! Hurry up or you'll be late!"

"Uh... okay..." what else could he say? That woman acted like he had known him for a long time, so how could he argue with her? It was impossible for him to ask who they were when they acted as if they were his family. He did not want to be thought crazy and ended up in the hospital or mental asylum. That would not help him at all.

Asagi went to the washroom which was located near his room; that was how he managed to locate it in the first place since he immediately saw it the moment he went out of his room, but once he was there, he could only stand stupidly.

Which one is my toothbrush?

Asagi stared at four cups in front of him, each cup had a toothbrush inside. There was one that looked childish and small, so that one must be that little girl's. That left him with three toothbrushes. Asagi stared at the suspects intently, pondering in his mind. Which one was his? The purple, the blue, or the green?

Hmm, he liked blue or green more, so his toothbrush was probably one of them. That left him with two suspects. The blue one or the green one?

Probably the blue one. Asagi settled on the blue toothbrush. He chose it because he liked blue more than green. When he was still a kid, he liked ranger blue more than ranger red or ranger green. He did not like sports, but he fell in love with swimming simply because the water in the pool was blue. Of course, that meant he loved the sea and sky as well. Beach was one of his favorite holiday destinations while staring at the blue sky was one of his favorite activities during writer's block. When he was in high school, he was given an opportunity to name a female kitten that his family adopted. He liked blue, so he named the cat Saphira, a name inspired by a blue gemstone called sapphire. During the booming of Harry Potter, his friends asked him which house in Hogwarts he would like to belong to and his answer was Ravenclaw because it had the color of blue in its emblem.

Conclusion: he liked blue, so his toothbrush should be the blue one.

Of course, he knew very well that he might be wrong, but it did not matter for now. He did not have the courage to ask his "family" since he did not know them well, so he would just settle in his own assumption. He would ask once he had warmed up with them—or perhaps he could ask the little girl when they were alone. She was still young and innocent, so it should be safe to assume that she would not think that he was crazy or amnesiac only because he asked about his toothbrush.

Asagi took a deep breath, apologizing to the owner of the blue toothbrush if he was wrong in his mind before finally took the toothbrush and used it to clean his teeth. After a few minutes of washing, he stepped out of the washroom with a wet face, still wearing his pajamas. He forgot that he needed his towel. Oh, and spare clothes too—scratch that. Ever since he started working as a novelist, he had not been keeping up with changing clothes directly after washing up in the morning because his job rarely required him to get out of his home, but he usually never forgot to bring a towel with him when he washed up. Changing clothes was not even in his mind when he remembered he did not have a towel with him. Just when he was wondering about his towel, the middle-aged woman noticed his wet appearance. She shook her head helplessly before reprimanding him.

"You forgot to bring your towel, didn't you? Quickly wipe your face."

Asagi blinked. That was what he wanted to do, but he had no idea where to get his towel when he was in the washroom. Only now when he got out and saw a teak rack with four towels hanging beside the washroom door did he figure out where to get his towel. But then he got another problem. He did not know which one his towel was.

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