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It's been 6 months. 6 months since Aria left. Sara has been telling us about the league of assasins. She tells us that if Aria comes back she won't be the same. We miss her. I miss her. I hope she's okay. But I know she will be fine. That girl is a fighter. "Yo Barry," Cisco shouted through my earpiece. "Did I miss it?" I asked. "By about seven blocks," Caitlin said. "Sorry," I said then turned around. I got to the fire and sped everyone out of the building. "Every body's out what else you got for me?" I asked. "Barry you haven't slept for days get back to S.T.A.R Labs," Sara said. "Coming," I said.

When I got back to S.T.A.R Labs Sara was standing there. "You can't just run away from your problems. I know you miss her but exhausting yourself will not bring her back," Sara told me. "Go home and get some sleep," Caitlin told me. "Yes Dr. Snow," I said. I ran home. I walked inside and froze. Hung on a chair was the red hoodie Aria was wearing when I last saw her. I could even smell her perfume from here. I grabbed it and returned to where I came from. "Barry I told you to get some sleep," Caitlin said. I held up the hoodie. "Wait, is that?" Cisco asked. "She's in Central City," I said. "Where in Central though," Caitlin asked. "Have you tried looking directly behind you?" A voice asked. I turned around.

Aria stood in the doorway decked out in black leather and her mask. "Aria!" I shouted. "Barry," she said. I could see the tears in her eyes. I hugged her. "I can't stay long or else the league will know something is up," she said. She turned to walk away. I stopped her. "Please stay. We can work together and take down Ra's Al Ghoul. Just don't leave again," I told her. "Hey where's Ghost?" Cisco asked randomly. Then Alice stepped through the wall. "Aria!" Alice said shocked. "Please," I whispered in Aria's ear. "I won't let let you get hurt because of me," she said. "I am hurting. It hurts to know that your there just because of me," I told her. "If you can't come up with a plan in 24 hours I'm returning to Nanda Parbat," she told us. "Deal," I said smiling. We got an armed robbery on tenth," Cisco said. "Go, I'll still be here when you get back," she told me. I took off at 200 m/ph.

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