I'm back

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On this particular day, a certain h/c haired female was seen sluggishly dragging her feet on the ground. Her bags quite noticable, the villagers knowing why pityed her.

For some reason her beloved big brother kept popping into her thoughts. She still remember those days where they'd spend their days just talking nonsense.

But now she has to begin a new chapter in her life right? One where the people who she thought would always be there aren't anymore.

It's a sad thing really, not just her, but tons of the villagers lost someone special to them. Like a certain raven haired boy who seeks vengeance for his fallen clan.

Another boy who should have been as miserable as the raven one wasn't, why? Because he lived his life in complete bliss never knowing his 'mom' wasn't actually his mother. But his father's sister.

This young boy is called-


A voice shouted at the blonde boy who cheekily grinned with blue stains on his hands. He jumped through the rooftops of the houses, slid through ally ways, and ducked their incoming attacks.

"You'll never catch me! You can't even see me!" He laughed, finally losing the ninjas who chased him.
He quickly rushed towards the familiar streets towards his home.

"Hah! These guys suck, mom's always gonna be the best" he said with pried, his mom who was known as Y/N Namikaze.

While he was busy grinning to himself he failed to notice a raven haired boy who was walking towards his home.

They tumbled to the ground, with Naruto on top of the raven haired boy known as-


what's up with him interrupting me..

The boy now known as Sasuke, glared up at the surprised face of the blonde boy. Naruto hurriedly stood up to his knees and asked if he was alright.

"I'm fine, next time watch where your going you knuckle head.." he grumbled, standing to his feet to see their guardian trekking towards the two.

She grinned, waving her arms like a mad woman. "Oi! Sasuke! Naruto! I'm back from my mission, wanna train like I promised you two?" She yelled since she wasn't really close to them.

Sasuke nodded nonchalantly on the other hand Naruto has sparkles around him who aggressively nodded.
Y/N laughed at the contrast of their answers, one who looked like they could care less and the other who looked excited.

"Well let's head back to our training filed kids" she said holding out her hands for them to hold.

Both boys held each of her hand and walked forwards with Y/N.

A/N: eyoo I finally updated this book! Sorry y'all, had sum issues and almost lost my will to continue this book.

Hope u like it so far and please wait for me to update this.

As u saw in my previous chaps you could and I hope u do, see how my way of writing changed lmao.

So hope u like my book so far

Btw I'm pretty lonely and if y'all interested in chatting w lil ol me that'd be great

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