Once upon a time...

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Once upon a time there was girl looking for nothing but knowledge. What she got was astounding. She felt the need to feel deeply, so she'd never be shallow. People drowned in her deep pool, they were so shallow. She decided to learn how to cut off some people. She cut the loose ends and moved on.

She next found out the struggle of being a hard worker. How to move forward with a challenge. It took a while, but her academic scores weren't her worse fear.

Being left behind was common. In groups, styles, ways of doing things, even love. She always had the fond way of repelling the feelings after she knew how they felt. She found she was a sensitive girl, crying wasn't hard, but she had to be hard at heart to not be fooled with. Even some people threw a rock a the core and won.

Eventually she could do it only for so long. Being hard with feelings. Because there came a long a boy different from the rest. She became friends with him, they shared all their secrets. Even the ones thought to not be shared. Along the line she broken down a bit in front of him. He promised to stay, even asked if she would. Every time she said no matter what she would stay, no matter the grief. Turns out he was a great deceiver, even when she believed him and was told she was loved. She will be loved.

But he wasn't the one to love her, he found a great struggle of loving her over time, many months.. He found someone much easier, more convenient to be with.

Easy wasn't anything, considering she was unfaithful. After that he was quiet about his choices. His best friend would tell her everything. She continued to still be astonished. Months after they weren't together she kept finding more clues that should've been blatant.

Why didn't his demeanor strike her any thing out of the ordinary for him? It was peculiar, why didn't she..? She was realistic, but hopeful. It kept her from finding the truth sometimes.

A year later she retired almost completely the thoughts of him. She even found a new interest. What was the catch? He was even further than arm's reach. He was almost 3,000 miles away. The last boy was far, but not that far.

They started to grow closer inevidently, despite the distance. It was puppy love again. She thought it was perfect, finally the old deceiver was wiped from her mind. He completely wiped her mind of him. She was falling, falling swiftly. It seed like the kind of falling that made everything bad a hazy memory. It wasn't long until a problem occurred. His tone changed. He illy answered her, she wanted answers. Waiting up all night for days until she finally asked straight forward.

He said distance, he wanted her to have someone to love her, protect her, cherish her, and even help when things got out of control.

She was back to picking pieces off the floor of her heart. She was finally seeing something piece by piece.
Be the best or get beaten by the best. Everyone who leaves her, leaves her for someone else. Even when they tell her to find someone better. It's because they know they can do better than her.

They challenged her intelligence, insulted her wits, smashed to pieces her heart.

For every time she got more broken one of the pieces was taken from her.
When will she be the worst and have taken all her pieces?

She knows she can't take back the pieces. She would have to talk to the heart breakers again. Why put herself through it again?

So she let them take pieces.

But she grew stronger silently.

Killed them silently.

She moved on each time, even with them in her heart a little bit. She knew blocking them out was the only thing she could do to protect herself.

Once upon a time she learned nothing is ever easy as it's thought up as.

She says once upon a time, but it reiterates itself continually.
Once upon a time..she left them her thoughts and lost her soul.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 09, 2015 ⏰

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