Chapter 1

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Author notes will only appear at the end of the chapters unless needed. After this, there shouldn't be any more. Hope you enjoy!

        Anyone could tell by looking at him that he was no normal child. The way he would stand there blankly starring and watching your every move implied that he was sharp in mind. In truth, he was only afraid. If one knew the circumstances of his birth, they would understand why he was so wary of anyone that was not his current servant. His name is (y/n), and he is the only master of Tokugawa.

        The world of mages was all but a secret from the world, though there were strick rules concerning how much of it could be exposed to the outside world. Normal people only knew of special individuals who showed up to stop supernatural occurrences, and that was all there was to their definition of a mage. If it were that simple, (y/n)'s existence could have been avoided entirely.

        The rules forbid a number of powerful mystics from being learned or even used by anyone qualified to be a mage. Not every individual had the magic circuits fit for the title afterall. Even so, those who did made up a large fraction of the world's population. This is where the Mage's Association and the Holy Church came into play. The Association regulated a majority of mages and the extent of their capabilities allowing them to grow their skills as long as they did not break any codes of conduct regarding the forbidden techniques. The Holy Church was entirely against the idea of mages believing that the power available to them was not to be tampered with. These two were enemies who did not cooperate under any circumstances, but this difference did not lead to Tokugawa's creation.

        No, it was the Association that took action against their own mages. These said mages were not satisfied with their capabilities being limited by laws, so they rebelled and used whatever magecraft they wished even if it was forbidden. The number of these mages grew rapidly along with those who used their newfound power in harmful ways. The Association attempted to stop the chaos only to lose the battle. Their own mages were no match for those who had broken the codes. It did not help that the Holy Church was enemy to all mages, not hesitating to kill any of them should they be proven to possess magic ability.

        Then, a year before (y/n)'s birth, a man whose orgins were not even clear to the Mage's Association appeared before them with a plausible solution. He would break just one of the Association's codes, to summon a heroic spirit, in order to rid them of their troubles for good. Having been left with little to no option, the proposal from this mysterious man was accepted, and he was given anything he asked for in return of producing results once preparations were completed.

        And just a day over a year later is where (y/n) found himself waking up after being removed from his incubator of sorts. His birth mother was a mystery to him. The only thing he would be able to recognize from her was her hair and aura. His father was far more of a mystery since he had never known him. So he awoke in confusion having no memory other than warmth, safety, fragments of his mother's identity. He did not know the individual that pulled him from the comfort of his capsule. He was not familiar with the pain of being carelessly dragged to a new location. The light was too bright to allow him much vision and the air was cold against his skin.

        "It's just a homunculus. It'll feel no pain. This one better not fail." He could not understand the meaning of those words, but he heard them just as he was tossed to the ground. Desperate to find his sense of security once more, he felt along the floor searching for something, someone to cling to. And then the servant summoning began.

        Unbeknownst to the child who had only truly just began to exist, he lay in the center of a summoning circle as its catalyst. A ring of spherical lights rose at the circle's edges and began to rotate around him just as his eyes had adjusted to his surroundings. His saw someone standing behind a glass window. Their returned stare was empty as the man's eyes peered into the boy's soul. (Y/n) failed to take notice of the rotating spheres which had began to spin so quickly that they merged together. They gave off a sudden heat, snapping the boy's attention to them in the very instant that they grew to engulf him.

Master of TokugawaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora