Chapter Ten - Raft

Start from the beginning

The guard typed his code into the door and a panel of the hologram slid open, allowing August to duck out and into the main hall of the Raft. Her time in the prison had not been as bad as she had been expecting- sure, the other inmates were all big and bad, but nobody really fucked with August. They spent most of their time in their own cells anyways. If anything, she was more bored than scared.

To her luck, though, for the past three months Natasha and Steve had been taking turns visiting every week to help catch her up on her training. For what reason, she was not sure. But it had been nice to feel healthy again- twenty-five years on IV fluids had left her skin-and-bone. But now, when she looked in the mirror (also holographic, so she could not break it to use glass as a weapon), she realized that she had muscle mass again. Definition. Finally looking more like who she was in 1990, and less like who she woke up as in 2015.

The guard escorted her down to transport, where they took the massive freight elevator to the top level of the Raft. It was quiet up here - not many inmates got visitors, since not many people could afford the helicopter trip out to the middle of the ocean.

He led her to the fourth visitation room on the left, punching in a code and pushing her inside. She stumbled in, giving him a nasty look as the door slid shut.

"Ms. Haze," August looked over. A blonde woman had stood up from the table, regarding her with kind, yet hesitant, brown eyes. She buttoned her suit jacket, giving August an uncertain smile. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Sharon Carter."

August regarded her with a wary look.

"I didn't get any notification that they would be assigning me a new lawyer," She shook her head, already turning back to the door. "And regardless, I don't need one. You wasted a helicopter trip."

"I'm not a lawyer," Sharon piped up, moving around to face her. August turned back to her, confusion marking her face. "I'm a friend. I'm just here to talk."

August narrowed her eyes.

"Like I said. You wasted a helicopter trip. I don't need anymore friends."

Sharon stepped away, sinking into the chair opposite the door. August's eyes followed her. The blonde woman pulled out a pen and notepad, beginning to scribble something down.

"I was a SHIELD agent, before the collapse. I'd just like to get some information from you so we can complete your psychological file. Your help would be much appreciated."

She flipped the notepad towards August. Her eyes flicked downwards.

Steve needs your help.

August stiffened. She sunk into the opposite chair, her cuffed arms still dangling between her legs.

"I don't see how I can help, given my current predicament. What exactly does SHIELD need from me?"

Sharon pulled the notepad back towards her, flipping to a new page.

"You could definitely be of more assistance than you know. Why don't we start with a hypothetical?" Sharon's hand flew across the page quickly as she spoke. "Let's say that your brother got into some trouble with the law, but you two hadn't spoken in years. Would you help him?"

She flipped the notepad towards her.

Avengers divided. Steve compromised. You need to get out of the Raft. He won't make it without you.

August's brow furrowed. Divided. Sure, August had only ever met three of them, but how could they be divided?

"Of course," August nodded. "Family first. But no matter how much I love my brother, would it be worthwhile risking go help him?"

"That would be up to you," Sharon went back to scribbling in the pad. "But consider how much your brother might have done for you growing up. Sure, things may not have always gone well, but he was trying to reconnect when he got in trouble."

The new note was passed silently.

Steve plans to have you out legally in 1 year. Tony very against it. You'll have to serve the full sentence without Steve's help.

"And what about my sister?" August asked. "Could she possibly help?"

Sharon scribbled quickly.

"Your sister has three kids and lives in another country. No way. It's all on your shoulders."

The new note read, Natasha against Steve.

August sat back in her chair, her brain reeling. Slowly, she nodded.

"Okay, then how would you propose I help my brother? If I'm in such a predicament, how can I possibly help him?"

"I suppose that it's up to you to figure out how to get out of your predicament. But once you are, you can meet up with your brother and figure out where things go from there."

Break out. I know you're capable. I've seen your charts. 1421 Bremen Rd. Abandoned compound. Rostock, Germany. You have 12 hours.

August nodded like she was in a trance.

"Yes. I'd help, then. Would I have any assistance?"

Sharon slid the notepad back over to her, slapping it to it's last page.

"I don't suppose so, at least not from the outside. But you never know what you might find if you look hard enough. The key to what you're searching for is always there, if you just look."

Her eyes darted to the door. August discretely looked over her shoulder, seeing the guards back outside. She turned back to the table, and when she looked down, a new note had appeared in front of her.


"Tell me August, if a door opens and there's nobody around to walk through, is it even open at all?"

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